I bought a lighter extension cord with male on one end and female on the other. It didn't cost much at a Canadian Tire store. I cut off the male end and soldered in an inline fuse on one line for safety, (can't remember the size of fuse but ten amp should be max). -also crimped on some terminals on the ends which go right on the battery when needed. This thingy lives under the seat.
I agree with B6mick. It sure beats blowing up an air mattress manualy and sucks it flat for on bike storage. DO NOT leave it that way when you get home or you'll lose most of its insulation, (which tends to stay flat).
FYI, I think a coffee maker would suck our little batteries dry... too big a load, likely even with the engine running. I'm not sure what happens if you overload the Suzy's small alternator - Overheating for sure, and maybe burnout. The battery on my old XS11 Yamaha tourer was twice the size but the accessory terminal was still rated 10 amps max, (=120 watts).