Author Topic: need help with progressive fork replacement  (Read 3359 times)

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need help with progressive fork replacement
« on: May 05, 2005, 10:14:10 PM »
I just changed the front fork springs with progressive springs on my 03 B12. It feels really good, but I think it might have to much travel. I have not felt it bottom out, but I was checking front suspension sag with a zip tie around the front fork tube and left the ties on to see the travel. Noticed that the ties went to about 1 in. from the clamps. Does this sound correct? It seems abit long. I did also put a busa shock on at the same time. Would that effected the travel for the front? sorry about the post being long winded. Rider weight   with gear is 230 lbs. :thanks:

Offline Red01

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need help with progressive fork replacement
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2005, 08:08:21 PM »
Considering the Busa shock raises the tail, it will alter the front/rear weight bias a little more to the front, so the front may bottom easier. If your zip ties have made it to 1: from the clamp and you didn't hear or feel it bottom, I'd say you're OK. It doesn't sound like too far to me.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS