No, prob- after struggling to find anyone with solid answers better than 'uhh... could be this......', I'll gladly spread the wealth. However, if you use the same guy for carbs I did, -Be Patient- 4 weeks,probably. Excellent work though, but he did mention that he may be giving up import carbs altogether and sticking with vintage Hd's so hurry up otherwise it's a crap shoot. CDI guy was beyond helpful, not because he knew cdis, bandits, or suzukis- but because he is an unbiased veteran electronics tech who knows the individual components of a cdi, their quirks & specs to a T; and how to fix them, imagine that.
BTW, despite what Suzuki or anyone else may say, my Bandit had 2 bad ignition coils at the same time, and CDIs are completely fixable. Even though the coils tested perfectly in spec.