and have been busy with a whole bunch of stuff. My wife has been working through health problems and I've kind of acted like her personal nurse, but.......that was part of the deal when I signed on back in 1972. For better or worse, etc etc. Fortunately she seems to be over the worst of everything at this point.
I see my buddy Bandit Allan has joined the board. We've spent many happy hours riding all over Alberta, BC, MT, WA and ID on our B12's.
I still have Big Red and she still remains my LD rapid transit camping bike and still runs and rides like a champ.
I finally had to replace the original chain and sprockets at 44, 870 km in August of 2015 so I can't complain that Big Red has cost a lot in repairs.......other than my crashes

and lotsa gas

and those darn expensive Michelin Pilot Roads.

Amazingly enough, another buddy of mine bought an '06 B12 and his is only 9 numbers earlier than mine. As well, a guy across the alley from another buddy just got an '06 B12 which he's street-fightering and his is only 100 numbers later than mine. Still more amazing, both those other bikes are what Suzuki calls "red" and both are non-ABS, exactly like mine. What are the odds ?? LOL I wonder where all the other '06's are ???

Well, that's enough from me for now.
Keep the faith, Bandit riders.