Author Topic: Around the world to the left... apparently.  (Read 3599 times)

Offline TheBigB

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« on: October 10, 2005, 02:47:44 AM »
2003 naked B12 with approx. 7500 miles. I am running the original Macadam tires and in preperation of a long road trip up the west coast, from LA to Portland, I noticed an unusual wear on my front tire. Apparently I have been taking an inordinant amount of left turns. Which is to say that the left side of my front tire seems to be wearing faster than the right. The rear tire is fine and shows no signs of uneven wear, let alone much wear at all.

Can you explain this? I was wondering if this is just the result of road crown and the fact that left turns are usually longer than right ones, but those feel like reaches to me.

Also, since the back tire has plenty of life left, what recommendations do you have for a new front tire. Most of my riding is commute oriented with the weekend romp in the Malibu Canyons rather regularly ( 2x a month ).

The Big B

Offline Sven

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2005, 03:05:48 PM »
Here's a link to a recent thread about tires that several folks contributed to:

I'll stick with liking my Michelin Pilot Roads.  I do a lot of commuting, along with some leisurely pleasure riding, similar to your riding profile.  They are supposed to be good on wet roads.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
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Offline Red01

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2005, 09:36:41 PM »
The left side wear faster than the right due to the crown in the road. This is common in all countries that drive on the right side of the roadways. In parts of the world where they drive on the left, the right side wears faster.

Completely normal.
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Offline TheBigB

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 12:27:43 AM »
Thanks Paul.

Unfortunately tires are now the least of my worries. Dumped the bike on the freeway the other day. Got cut off by some cager and grabbed a handfull of brake. Cager was clearly "at fault" in the sense that he caused the accident but there is/was plenty I could have done to avoid this particular outcome ( which by the way is a broken collar bone and a pretty busted up Bandit ).

The saddest thing for me is realizing I am not as strong a rider as I thought.

Thanks again,
The Big B

Offline chevsuz12

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 12:45:43 AM »
Sorry to hear that BigB.  Hopefully you have a quick recovery.  Collar Bones heal fairly quickly.
B12 Streetfighter!

Offline Sven

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 09:27:38 AM »
BigB, those reality checks can be pretty harsh...especially when they combine physical with mental.  At least the collarbone puts you in company with Madge (Madonna) who fell off her "birthday horse" (and no, that's not a euphemism for Guy Ritchie).

Heal well, and spend the time shopping for parts!
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline solman

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2005, 10:21:17 PM »
The saddest thing for me is realizing I am not as strong a rider as I thought.

I had loose gravel take me out last year, I know the feeling.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline B12Teuton

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Around the world to the left... apparently.
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2005, 08:59:58 AM »
Quote from: "Red01"
The left side wear faster than the right due to the crown in the road.


Sorry to hear about the get-off.
ATGATT (all the gear all the time!)
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