Author Topic: Can you redrill and re-rivet carbon fiber cans?  (Read 3131 times)

Offline B12NScott

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Can you redrill and re-rivet carbon fiber cans?
« on: October 13, 2005, 01:10:42 AM »
Hey there, I have a 2000 B-12 with a D&D Carbon Fiber slipon.  The bike got knocked over in a previous life :crybaby: , and the carbon fiber part of the can is loose.  loose enough to pull the carbon fiber piece off.  Is it possible for me to cut 1/2" off the front of the can, drill out the rivets, drill into the carbon fiber and re rivet the can?  Or.. should I ride it like I stole it and when the can falls  apart get a new one?  The mounting bracket is holding it on, so it won't fall off.  I just would rather fix it.   Thanks for your thoughts.
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Offline Red01

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Can you redrill and re-rivet carbon fiber cans?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 02:27:06 AM »
You should be able to fix it, but be sure to wear a resipator (not a simple dust mask, either) when cutting/drilling C/F!
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Offline B12Teuton

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Can you redrill and re-rivet carbon fiber cans?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2005, 08:57:27 AM »
You probably can, but I wouldn't unless you know ow to work wit carbon fiber.  It's very strong but also very fragile.
ATGATT (all the gear all the time!)
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Can you redrill and re-rivet carbon fiber cans?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2005, 09:17:13 AM »
Yes you can. I had a D&D carbon fiber can on mine befor switching to the high mount Holeshot. I fixed mine a couple of times.  I went to bigger stainless rivots the fist time. I had loosened it up from touching down on corners (keyhole @ Mid Ohio,13@Nelson Ledges,#?@Beaver run) Then someone wrecked my bike for me and I fixed it again. The second time I shortened it about a 1/8" with a cut off wheel and added extra rivots inbetween the other rivots. It felt solid.Also polished up the aluminum to a nice finish to pretty up the flat spot on the bottom. Turned out pretty good. Sold it to another Bandito in the parts section.

Offline B12NScott

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Can you redrill and re-rivet carbon fiber cans?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2005, 02:31:41 PM »
:thanks:   Smooth
2K B-12S
2K5 DRZ 400s Dirt/SM