Author Topic: carb cleaning questions  (Read 4307 times)

Offline lighter223

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carb cleaning questions
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:02:21 PM »
So I stored my my bike for the winter and added the stabil to late I guess...

Wouldnt rev past 4k or so on its own but redlines with carb cleaner sprayed into airbox.

leads me to believe that the jets are clogged or varnished because it sat.

So I try fill the carbs with the STP cleaner and let it set for about 1.5 weeks...

It does rev up to about 6k on its own now and the carb cleaner obviously still redlines.

but this is not normal...

So I resigned to dismantle my carbs and clean them.

my first question is...  There are a lot of green um... specs spattered here and there on the main jet and the pilot jet and the pilot screw... what the hell is this.... It smears on paper the way ink does...

second question...  I was able to remove the thre components just mentioned but I am not sure how to remove the starter jet and the pilot air jet... My service manual tells me to.  Just want to be very thorough.

and the people are right the service manual is not very descriptive... duh remove, clean, replace... what the hell is that?

Thanks for your help... I am sitting cleaning while going over the fourm lol
A boat's a boat, Lois, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!  You know how much we've wanted one of those..!

Rember that time we got the mystery box instead of the boat?

Peter, that was 5 minutes ago!

Offline lighter223

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2009, 02:26:40 PM »
Also for the pilot screw setting.. I wrote down the turns for each carb but I lost it and my memory aint worth shit....

01 B6

Also the #1 carb's screw was way the hell out? this normal.  Bike ran fine before so maybe its supposed to be like this...?

All the others were the same... around 2-3 turns out
A boat's a boat, Lois, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!  You know how much we've wanted one of those..!

Rember that time we got the mystery box instead of the boat?

Peter, that was 5 minutes ago!

Offline pmackie

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2009, 08:48:52 PM »
There are a lot of green um... specs spattered here and there

well, you've got some brass jets, copper floats, etc. Mix those with some water, possibly some acids or sulpur from the gasoline and some oxegen and you will end up with some copper or brass oxides...don't get too concerned, just get everything clean.

after removing the float needle valves, main jet, needle jet, pilot jet and air mixture screws, blow compressed air through everything else. Unless you want to soak the aluminium carbs bodies in aggressive carb cleaner, you don't necessarily need to remove all brass and copper parts.

2-3 turns out

mine are set at approx 2-1/2 turns. Factory setting were from 1/2 turn to 3 turns.
2002-GSF600S, Progressive Fork Springs, B12 Shock,
SS Brake lines, EBC HH pads, Leo Vince Ex & Kappa bags.
Ex Bike Mechanic (late 70's), somewhat rusty
32 years in the Fuel/lubes industry(Retired)

Offline lighter223

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2009, 08:57:08 PM »
not concerned,  if they were permanent than maybe... but i got them off no sweat just wanted to know exactly what the hell that was... thought varnish had a thick jelly brownish clear thing going on... but its all gone...

and I set the screws at 2.5 turnsw anyway. kinda the average I noticed but for like 98's and 96's and for 1200's.

but I have it all back to gether now but was wating for a reply or two before a put it back on...

Thanks for replying....

Tell everyone how it goes then...
A boat's a boat, Lois, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!  You know how much we've wanted one of those..!

Rember that time we got the mystery box instead of the boat?

Peter, that was 5 minutes ago!

Offline PaulVS

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2009, 09:49:02 PM »
Does your gas contain ethanol?  If so, the greenish spots could be "ethanol mold".

A product called Starton will keep that from happening.  Also, use SeaFoam instead of Stabil, IMO.

Offline lighter223

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2009, 02:09:13 AM »
I think that it does... Cali and Michigan gas... I think they both contain 10% ethanol... or whatever..

Where did you here about ethanol mold... and could it make my bandit act like a varnished up carb?
A boat's a boat, Lois, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!  You know how much we've wanted one of those..!

Rember that time we got the mystery box instead of the boat?

Peter, that was 5 minutes ago!

Offline PaulVS

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2009, 09:37:19 AM »
I think that it does... Cali and Michigan gas... I think they both contain 10% ethanol... or whatever..

Where did you here about ethanol mold... and could it make my bandit act like a varnished up carb?

Here's the scoop:

Normal fuel stabilizers (like Stabil) don't prevent most ethanol-caused problems.

Offline lighter223

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Re: carb cleaning questions
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2009, 12:43:23 PM »
ok thanks...

now on to another problem....

(OK Throttle is Fine)

The mixture is way to rich.

but how to adjust carbs.  I get the general idea.  adjust the screws while engine is running.

The manual says reset the idle speed to correct... my idle should be 1200+-100 I.m getting 1000 (which should be okay but would like to have at least 1100). then...

it says adjust (working on one carb at a time) the pilot screw until "the point where the highsest consistent idle speed is obtained..."  what exactly does it mean? and how do I figure that out one carb at a time.  If I do get #1 perfect how the hell am I goin to know if it's perfect if the other 3 carbs are still rich?

another little problem... maybe...

I put the chocke on and get about 6x rpm( never did this beforee) I am assuming it is because the bike is running rich... true, anybody know.  I think that once I get the carbs squared away it would be normal.... maybe I think this because I get 3x rpm at 1/2 choke...  but does anybody know maybe for sure?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 01:36:56 AM by lighter223 »
A boat's a boat, Lois, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!  You know how much we've wanted one of those..!

Rember that time we got the mystery box instead of the boat?

Peter, that was 5 minutes ago!