Author Topic: Change your own tires?  (Read 5657 times)

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2005, 01:41:18 PM »
I'm with you on that one.  I've got a local guy that does mount & balance for $20 so I go to him.  I've cussed, pounded, and trashed too many knuckles over the years to do tires myself anymore.

Offline smooth operator

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Change your own tires?
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2005, 07:46:09 AM »
I change my own tires. I use a vise to break the bead,but I think I'll pick up the tool from Harbor frieght. I use a  Penzoil can (25gal.?) that gease came in with split ruber hose around the top. A 14" rim will work too. I use 3 tire irons,and have done it solo,but another had helps to mount the tire back on.I balance my wheel with (don't know what the tool is called)whats used to lace wheels. Heavy spot just rolls to the bottom. I do have a few scratches here and there,sometimes I just get a little impatient and hurry through it instead of taking my time with the plastic protectors.

Offline Daytona

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20 for a mount & balance is a steal! over 40 at most!!!
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2005, 03:36:01 PM »
I razor the middle of my old ones! Lets me see what was left of tire i was riding on! Cut to sidewall back to bead, use a pair of good cutting pliers to go thru bead steel. Armoral cleaned wheel & tire bead, slip first bead on, tire spoon other, align yellow dot next to stem, make sure rotation is correct before you start all this! Inflate to 50psi or what ever it takes to seat bead, adj to your pressure. Let it sit to settle. With axle just thru swing arm no brake pad drag, chain off to side, wheel weights off, spin & add weights if needed, till balanced. Install, and test for a few miles, recheck to make sure all is well.  :motorsmile: