Author Topic: Missing Fork Dust Seal??  (Read 3573 times)

Offline Human Potato

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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« on: December 29, 2006, 06:11:16 PM »
Hi guys, long time lurker first time poster.

I had my 2001 1200S out the front of a bike store for a few months trying to sell it but changed my mind and took it back yesterday.  When I looked at the front forks, this is what I saw:

Now, I may be completely losing my mind, but I dont recall it looking like that before I put the bike up for sale.  Isnt there supposed to be some kind of dust cap covering those metal shiny ring things?  
One of my forks has been leaking for a while (yeah, I know, I'l' fix it soon...) which is why I was looking at the forks in the first place, but the strange thing is that both the forks look the same, so if there is something missing in the photo above, it has been removed from both of the forks.  So, first of all, is there something missing, and secondly, why would someone take them?  Wouldnt both forks have had to have been removed from the bike completely in order to slide the dust seal off??  Surely the value of the seals wouldnt be worth the time or effort?
I need to be sure that I am right about there being something missing from the forks before I give the store a piece of my mind, as I dont have many pieces left to spare :lol:

Offline solman

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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 11:03:57 PM »
Yes, you would have to take the forks off to do so.  I doubt that someone would take it off.  It may have been missing before, but you just didn't notice.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!


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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2006, 01:17:49 AM »
Looks the same as my 05 B12s. Only difference is that black plastic seal shields on yours have been removed on mine to install a "Super Brace" fork brace. Super Brace sells an optional attachment to protect the seals from debris hits. I plan to order them now that I know your are already leaking.

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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2006, 02:14:10 AM »
Oh, so maybe the '05 Bandits dont come with dust covers?  Or maybe your are missing as well!  Anyway, I should mention that my seal was leaking before the dust seal was removed due to normal wear and tear.  Apparently, anything on the shiny part of the fork can 'cut' the seal and cause leaks (e.g. scratches).  I have even heard of a fork seal being caused to leak by having an insect splat against the shiny part of the fork and it's guts hardening as they dry, then when the fork gets compressed, the guts slice through the seal and cause a leak.  Either way, I think any kind of protection for the forks is a good idea.
If the '05 bandits dont come with dust seals for thier forks, maybe I dont need to bother replacing them.  My service manual doesnt mention anything about them.

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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2006, 04:20:59 AM »
Those are the dust covers. The actual fork seal is underneath that. You can't see it. A lot of times grime and debris gets under there and causes the seal to leak. Sometimes you can pry the dust cover out with a screwdriver(CAREFULLY!!!), take a piece of film or a business card or something(I have a strip of film in my toolbox for this)and just gently work it around the inside of the fork seal(even more carefully!)
while spraying it with liberal amounts of contact cleaner and clean whatever it is out. Believe it or not, it's usually just a little speck of dirt under the seal that causes the leak. And if you're really serious about keeping dirt out, desert racers use neoprene boots called Seal Savers on their forks.

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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2007, 09:14:06 PM »
Note to self: Leave no witnesses

Offline Human Potato

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Missing Fork Dust Seal??
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2007, 12:27:37 AM »
That makes me glad coz it means my bike hasnt been tampered with.  It makes me worry because it means my mind really is on the way out!! :thanks: