This is about carbs for my other bike, a 1992 750 Honda Nighthawk. I cleaned the carbs, including the needle valve seat, because of some dirt. When I put the float back, with the carbs upside down, two of the floats do what I think is right, that is they kind of float on the spring of the needle. If you touch the float (these are non-adjustable floats, entirely made of plastic), it feels springy. They are more or less parallel with the ground. The other two sit all the way in the carb, and they are definitely not springy, and they kind of angle down from the back toward the front. It drives me nuts, because I can't figure out what I could be doing wrong, since everything is pretty much set and not much is adjustable. I have worked with carbs many times and it's the first time this is happening. Anyone with any suggestions here?