Author Topic: new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise  (Read 2708 times)

Offline dimitry

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new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise
« on: April 02, 2006, 12:12:40 PM »
Hi, i just purchased a 98 600s with 36 k miles in it and i have so many questions..

The bike was and still is in poor shape. has been siting for several years.

changed the oil, cleaned the carbs etc.

Started up and runs :) took it for a ride and all seems good !

the bad :

leaks oil from all the oil lines. (front and back)
leaks oil from either the pan or one of the 2 covers on the side. how hard is to take the pan out ?
when it first started made all kind of horrible noises from the engine (cranked it a few seconds before leting it start so oil circulates )
like a LOT of timing chain noise.  then quieted down after warming up a little bit.

finally, when it idles it makes some noise like loose parts inside the engine but when you give it gas, they go away.  

any coments and sugestions are super apreciated for a newbie on the Bandit world.


1998 bandit 600
36 k miles.
in or arround Phili PA

Offline Red01

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new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 10:59:47 AM »
The oil lines all have either O-rings or sealing washers (depending on which lines). If the lines are leaking and they aren't loose, then it's time to replace these.

The side covers & pan can be resealed with gaskets or RTV form-a-gasket products. The pan just unbolts right off, but be careful, several folks tearing into older/high mile motors have broken bolts taking them out, so penetrating oil may be a wise move before attempting removal. Be sure when you re-install that you tighten the bolts down in stages and do it evenly to keep from stressing/breaking the pan.

Your initial horrid noises could have come from a loose cam chain, but the tensioner finally kicked in and did it's job.
. . . that's what it sounds like from here anyway.  :wink:

Is it possible the "loose parts" noise is the lash between the rockers and the valves? The B6/12 engine normally has a noisey valve train. A quiet one is an indication the lash is too tight. It should sound like a herd of mice with typewriters.
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Offline dimitry

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new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 04:35:05 PM »
Hey Paul, thank you for your reply.

Mices with typewriters..  :)

Do i have to drop the exhaust to change the gasket or can be done with the exhaust on the bike ?

Unfortunatelly the leak is from where the metal lines are crimped with the ruber ones.  (so new lines)


1998 bandit 600
36 k miles.
in or arround Phili PA

Offline Red01

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new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 05:27:58 PM »
I've never had to pull my pan, but I'd say the exhuast is probably gotta come off. There are people here who have dropped the pan than can clarify if I'm wrong.

If the hoses are leaking from the crimps, remove the hoses and take them to a shop that makes hydraulic lines and have them rebuild them for you. You can get nice steel braided lines done for less than new OEM replacements (at least around my place). Industrial supply places and auto parts stores in agricultural areas can usually do it.
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Offline Arkan Eller

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new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2006, 05:14:56 PM »

I replaced my oil pan recently and had to remove the exhaust. If you unbolt the rear exhaust and midpipe and loosen the header bolts (good luck with that one), you should be able to slide the pan out. As red says, be careful with the bolts. Just take it steady. When you install the new pan and tighten the bolts, take it real easy, or the pan will crack.

I also had to install a new gasket and carefully scrape bits of the old one off the engine casing.

Good luck old bean.

Offline dimitry

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new member 98 600s with LOTS of leaks. and some engine noise
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2006, 11:52:42 PM »
Quote from: "Arkan Eller"

I replaced my oil pan recently and had to remove the exhaust. If you unbolt the rear exhaust and midpipe and loosen the header bolts (good luck with that one), you should be able to slide the pan out. As red says, be careful with the bolts. Just take it steady. When you install the new pan and tighten the bolts, take it real easy, or the pan will crack.

I also had to install a new gasket and carefully scrape bits of the old one off the engine casing.

Good luck old bean.

Thanks Arkan.  im scared mostly of striping the heather bolts or breaking them in the block.
is the oil pan so easy to crack ?

the oil line, is a great idea ! i didnt though about it. the stealer wanted 70 for each front and 110 for the rear one. :(

thanks a lot !
1998 bandit 600
36 k miles.
in or arround Phili PA