Author Topic: Starting problem, Honda CB700SC  (Read 11338 times)

Offline Gary Matthew

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Starting problem, Honda CB700SC
« on: January 11, 2016, 06:00:38 PM »
No problem when starting COLD.  If ridden for 10 minutes, an immediate re-start is OK.  But if the bike sits for 5 minutes, then it has to be cooled for a half-hour.  When a start is attempted in less than that amount of time:

1.  The starter rolls the engine over as usual.  However, I only get an occasional "pop" from the exhaust.
2.  It's not a flooding problem.  When stopping, I've turned off the petcock.  Come back to the bike 15 minutes later, turn on the petcock, no start.
3.  It's not a no-fuel problem.  Squirt the carbs with ether, and I get the same occasional "pop."
4.  Electrical has been changed (plugs, "coils", starter switch), but not the CDI (I'm told those either work or they don't -- the occasional "pop" is not consistent with a bad CDI ???)).

When the bike has been left to cool for a half-hour and a start is attempted, it fires and runs immediately.  No fuss, no bother.


Offline Ericchino3

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Re: Starting problem, Honda CB700SC
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2016, 12:02:25 PM »
1st time I had problem I put Water remove in tank & it stopped right away.  Also it happened when I rode bike almost dry & raining that day.

2nd time it happened months later I had to replace petcock bc rebuild failed.

Hope this helps.

Offline Gary Matthew

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Re: Starting problem, Honda CB700SC
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2016, 03:05:22 PM »
Thanks, I'll give it a try.