Tonight I started putting my bike back together. Then it began again, oh the horror! I put the gasket on the oil pan and got the pan bolts hand tight. I tighten the first one no problem. Number 2 snapped right off, and so did number three. Drop the pan again. Extract the weaklings ( I'm using a torque wrench) and start over. This time the Torque wrench is on the work bench, band from motorcycle work......
Well, I'm using a 3/8 drive ratchet and am tightening what I think is the last bolt when "POP!" What, not another one! NOPE, this time it was the pan, hair line crack right across the corner. Ugh! I add a little oil to the crankcase and a few minutes later the first drops form underneath. I'm sick,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Tonights advice: buy an inch pound torque wrench. I bought a ft lb torque wrench. I tested it first and it worked fine, I really don't get it.