Author Topic: ALEX BARROS  (Read 6742 times)

Offline land_shark

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« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2006, 10:06:36 AM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"

Don't get me wrong I agree, he is fast and he's certainly talanted, but I while Rossi is there he's f%^&ed.

I have to agree with you there.  You'd think at that level, psych-outs wouldn't  be an issue.  What else could it be though, what with the obvious bad decisions and seemingly stupid mistakes (as you mentioned).  

Oh the drama.  Man, can't wait for March!! :beers:  :motorsmile:  :banana:
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2006, 05:23:30 AM »
Too true, roll on March, infact roll on late Feb for the WSBK.  At least Pay TV is replying each round from last season, and if that isn't enough I have every WSBK and MotoGp race from 1997 to 2005 on tape....I know I know, I need to get a life....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline smooth operator

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« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2006, 07:31:50 AM »
I used to really look foward to watching the races and keep up with the racers positions (Watch out for Marco Meladri) But now that Speed Cannel isn't worth a crap anymore I don't have much of a chance. Do you get good coverage down under?

Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2006, 08:58:35 AM »
If you have Pay TV you get great WSBK and Motogp coverage live (unless they're racing at the same time then you get a delayed telecast of the WSBK, but bugger all AMA or British SBK.  They do show it, but they don't advertise it, so you have to take your chances.

Free to air TV cover the MotoGP late at night, but only highlights of the 125 and 250 races and a half hour highlights package of the WSBK 2 weeks after the event

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline Daytona

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« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2006, 12:05:35 PM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"
Too true, roll on March, infact roll on late Feb for the WSBK.  At least Pay TV is replying each round from last season, and if that isn't enough I have every WSBK and MotoGp race from 1997 to 2005 on tape....I know I know, I need to get a life....
What A Country! All bike enthusiasts!! No wonder you folks can ride!!! I don't think you can find a bike race on the teli pay or free... Big money corps or ted turner has it locked up here... :beers:

Offline Daytona

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« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2006, 12:16:17 PM »
Hey what is up with this? Its like these are only found on your island??

Offline Red01

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« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2006, 08:33:56 PM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"
I have every WSBK and MotoGp race from 1997 to 2005 on tape....I know I know, I need to get a life....

No, you need to get a DVR (or better yet, a DVR with a hard drive so you can edit).
Tapes are so "last millenium."  :stickpoke:
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Offline Red01

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« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2006, 08:43:23 PM »
Quote from: "Daytona"
What A Country! All bike enthusiasts!! No wonder you folks can ride!!! I don't think you can find a bike race on the teli pay or free... Big money corps or ted turner has it locked up here... :beers:

I've got Dish Network, and Speed carries MotoGP (250 & 125 class coverage may be spotty - I never looked at the Dorna schedules to see for sure), WSBK and AMA Road Racing on Sundays during the season. Most are replayed on Tuesdays. Each race is a 1 hour show (~40 minutes once you edit the commercials out). I got most of the MotoGP 990 class on disc, but missed a couple. I watched most of the WSBK & AMA airings, but didn't record many of them.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2006, 10:20:54 PM »
A DVR is on the shopping list, and I've got to go through all the tapes and record the 'good' races on to DVD.  

However, there are some go fast bits the wife wants for her M750, and there's some bits and pieces I want for the B12, so the DVR will have to wait.

Unfortunately we're not ALL bike enthusiasts, the Governments (Federal and state) are all trying the damndest to regulate bikes of the road.

Their latest attempt is the banning of Lane Splitting - the basic arguement is two fold - 1 safety (they feel too many bike riders are dying from lane splitting - what a crock of shyte) and 2 - Cars and trucks can't lane split so why should bikes.

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline Red01

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« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2006, 11:05:25 PM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"
Their latest attempt is the banning of Lane Splitting - the basic arguement is two fold - 1 safety (they feel too many bike riders are dying from lane splitting - what a crock of shyte) and 2 - Cars and trucks can't lane split so why should bikes.

I wish them NO success in their attempts!

Heck, we're trying to get it IMPLEMENTED here. California is currently the only state that tolerates it. It's not even because it "legal" - it's just not illegal. Seems all the other states have verbage forbidding two vehicles from being in the same lane at the same time, just CA doesn't have that language.

If you guys become successful in making it illegal, it would just be ammo the antis would use to argue against it.
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Offline chupacabra

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« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2006, 06:26:21 AM »
In California if they want to get you for risky lane splitting they just use the good old " following too close"  :duh: if they can catch up  :shock:
Dave . . . San Diego, California
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Offline banditII

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« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2006, 10:11:34 PM »
Gibernau has beaten Rossi before.  And Rossi has made some stupid mistakes too, just less mistakes than the rest of the competition.  I like all those Moto GP guys.  I like Sete, would be nice to see Hayden win the championship.  Too bad Hopkins is staying with Suzuki cause I think he'd be near or on top with a honda or yamaha ( suzuki must be paying Hopper a lot? ).  Some say in Moto GP the rider is 80 percent and the bike 20.  But I tend to think it's a 50 / 50 deal.  The bike has to be there.  I doubt Rossi could win a world championship on the current suzuki or kawasaki GP bikes?  I love motorcycle racing.  2006 will be fun.

Riding motorcycles..........and loving it! :-)


Offline Red01

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« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2006, 11:31:41 PM »
I read that Hopper had recieved offers from others for the '06 season, but chose to stay with Suzuki because they had been good to him coming up, he liked his crew and he wanted to be a key player in the development of their GP bikes (this interview seemed to hint that Suzuki may have something up their sleeve for '07 when the GP bikes get smaller). He has led in the rain for a few laps, which seems to show he has what it takes, just doesn't have a machine as good as the Honda, Yamaha or Ducati.

It would be interesting to see what Rossi could do with a Suzi or Kawi - Yamaha didn't have a competitive GP bike until Rossi joined them.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2006, 07:34:48 AM »
Rumour has it that Suzuki have already developed their version of a 800cc Gp Bike, and will be testing this year.  I don't know how true this is, but if the can get a jump on the others, then maybe Hopkins and Chris V will have good chance when the 800's come in.

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