Points taken Vlad but when you have just a mere second between being cleaned up and in imminent danger, or for a better use of words removing yourself from the danger area is the first and only priority, to keep it simple by one action I have done this and made the offending driver aware of my presence. With time being of the essence I was able to stay in total control of my bike (mid corner), while making room for myself and my good woman, without having to think or react about using the horn. Lets face it we are not talking 2 of 3 seconds to think about this shyte, it’s a case of do it or die, and efen NOW.
As for this comment, I’m not sure whether I should take offence too.
"Paying attention to your surrounding and being ready to break, swerve, honk or flash is first. You can't prevent stupid people from doing stupid things - you can only do your best to avoid them"
Mate I've been a professional rider for many years, and have been riding for over 30 years, and have a million plus miles under my butt, as a rider and countless more as a professional driver, paying attention to other drivers around me is the only reason I’m still here. If I was to take that advice I wouldn’t get out of bed each and every day. Now let’s break your next statement down, remembering I was there, mid corner and you were not. “Brake”, what and still get cleaned up by wedding car driver, mid corner braking not the greatest choice available, also considering the minister of war the good women, in close company to the rear and on the closer side to the wedding car, thus leaving no escape route for her either. Swerve, yes, I did, violently, counter steering its called, now, how are you now going to straighten up a couple of hundred kg of motorcycle, or are you going to just continue down the wrong side of the road and hope like hell that nothings coming. I would gas it up, and yee gods I did. Honk and flash what? Flash, to bloody late mate, I’m already along side the idiot, what bloody good is flashing your bloody lights, modulating or not, he missed you riding up from behind for the last 5 k’s, Honk what waste more time and concentration?, oh yes honk so the driver can see the last second of your life as he looks to see what’s honking him, there is no mistaking a loud pipe on a motorcycle, no need for the driver to look he now knows what’s there and what he needs to do about it.
We are not taking yards here we are taking of less than 2 feet, milli seconds, to do or die.