Author Topic: Anyone ridden a SV1000  (Read 3213 times)

Offline rocketman1

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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« on: May 01, 2007, 05:36:35 AM »
Just wondering if any one had ridden a SV1000 and how it compared with a 1200 bandit, just wondering??
Red 2001 1200 BanditS

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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2007, 07:46:19 AM »
I have a 1st gen Bandit,rode my brothers 2nd gen Bandit,and also have a SV1000. The 2n gen Bandit is definatly smoother than the 1st gen.suspension wise(although I changed my suspension on the B12 and have the sag set at 30 mm) The SV suspension isn't as smooth as the 2nd G Bandit,but has a thread type shock,but is fully adjustable.
 Motor wise, it doesn't seem to have the pull the tire in the air power that my Bandit does with just a twist of the wrist. But the weight is more foward, and it is deceptingly fast. You would think the speedo is wrong,because it doesn't feel like your going that fast but a quick glance @the speedo and you are! I also love having a 6th gear that my Bandit is missing(fixed with the new Bandit)
  As far as handling, in the twisties,I can get around pretty good on the ol'Bandit. I've been known to give sport bikers fits,sliding off the seat and cornering at knee dragging angles. But with the SV all I have to do is think turn with a slight push-pull and I'm corning with alot less effort.
 Ridding positon, my Bandit has the rear up 11/2"(not sure ,about 35mm?) and rear sets,but its still a more relaxed riding position than the SVs. I rode the SV for 225 miles Sunday though and only came home to keep the wife happy.Although the SVn has bars instead of clip-ons and longer swing arm and more relaxed ergos. I wanted the S, I want the cornering performance.And it actually my first bike w/ clip-ons. You just have to keep in mind that you want to keep your wieght of your hands.Being light on the bars is key to good handling and it keeps you from tireing.
 As far a 2-up riding,my wife won't even get on the SV. She said it wouldn't be worth the pain and if I wasn't so selfish I would have bought a bike we could ride comfortably on together. But I want to go off by myself so I bought a bike   :stfu:  I love driving the SV,its the way I like to ride. I'll probably soften up the suspension and bring the Bandit back to stock ride hieght for 2-up duties. Maybe some day get a new Bandit for trips with the wife.
  OH ya! mpg is better on the SV. I get 32mpg on the Bandit and I got almost 50 Sunday on the SV. I'm sure the new Bandits are better than my 98 with full exhaust,stage II jetting and pods.   Dan

Offline aussiebandit

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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 08:46:04 AM »
The SV1000 has more of a SPORTS tourer feel to it, as opposed to the B12 sports TOURER feel.

If the SV1000 was around when I bought my B12 (2002) I'd probably would've bought the SV.  

However, I'm now the wrong side of 40, and feeling every bit of it, I'd buy the B12.

If you want comfort over speed buy the B12, if it's speed over comfort buy the SV.

Just my opinion.

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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 06:58:41 AM »
I forgot to mention the seat. The seat on the SV is like a 2"x6" with a little foam on it. Its defitalty not built for comfort. The padding on the Bandit seat helps in smoothing out the ride.
  Took the Bandit out for exersice yesterday. Had about 2 hr wait for a shippment of tile to come in, it wasn't raining,so away I went for a quick spin. Its fun having the front tire come up on a rise in the road when 5th gear is up in that 6K rpm range(gsxr cams). It feels like getting on a big dirt bike after riding the SV the last few rides.You can feel the extra weight, and I have to use more body steering to get around the tight turns at speed. But it is a blast to ride, and it feels good being smooth on it, sliding off and it holds a line well. I think I can get from point A to B on a twisty road (or track)quicker on the SV though. Just the way the weight is distributed on the bike,lighter,lower,quick handling. But on the other hand, if you were to hit a varmit or obsticle on the road, I believe the Bandit is more forgiving. You could give it some throttle to take the weight off the front(wieght is more center of the bike) if it was not avoidable. As where w/ the SV, I hope I don't have to find out.    Dan


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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2007, 04:57:35 PM »
Thanks for the info on the SV1000. I was considering this bike as a later in life alternative to a a big inline 4, thinking it would be easier to handle and better on gas. But apparently from your review its a bit less in all areas and not necessarily easier to ride or maintain. So you helped me scratch it off my list as a possible age 60+ bike. Thanks

Offline longislandbandit99

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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 10:48:18 PM »
My buddy got an SV at auction that was "totaled" and he fixed it up all nicey nice.  It has 17K on it and the previous owner had some touring mods on it like cruise control for the throttle, a tank bag, etc.  He took all that crap off and gave it a new paint job, some custom plastic work up front and put twin microns on it.

He wishes he never sold his YZF 600R.  The seat on the SV is like half an inch of foam on what feels like plywood.  Its a small seat too.  Your wrists get tired quickly if you're not pushing the bike like a sport bike.  Long distance riding isn't too comfortable in his opinion.  The V twin thing is real cool and the bike is stupid fast.  I'd say the SV 1000 is better suited for young whipper snappers instead of the over 40 crowd.

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Anyone ridden a SV1000
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2007, 07:39:18 AM »
Don't write off the SV yet, I have the SV s wich is what I wanted. But the SVn has better ergos and bars and feels pretty comfortable to sit on although I havn't taken one out. Its been a couple yrs scince I sat on one @ the Cleveland bike show,I imagine it has the same seat. But longer swing arm,different sub frame too I think. The 03 SVs has a higher mounted subframe.   Dan