You're sayin' the other Jap bikes don't look weird? Have you been in a showroom lately? 
Sure! As we previously digested, the Suzi M109 is fat, with a cowling on the headlamp that reminds me of the Alien's head. (And that bike is strangley popular with the Black community in this area.) But some riceburners look great.
You know, as cruisers go, I really like the looks of that bike, except the headlight cowling. I wonder how big of a deal it would be to replace it with a normal headlight. Probably not worth it $-wise.
Just from my point of view, here is what an attractive normal bike should look like (give or take a styling cue or two) ...
NormalBut here is what you get in the showrooms now (not that I wouldn't take one) ...
AbnormalBoth nice bikes, but one funky, one not.
It will be interesting to see, soon, which bike amongst the various brands takes the place of Bandits function-wise once Bandits aren't produced anymore.
Happy Saturday!