Truly said about "that howling wind" wearing you out. I ditched the "S" fairing and found an old Silhouette windshield that measures 26" over the headlight (I'm over 6'-2"). Ah-hhh - not even any turbulence! Great during sudden rainstorms too, not to mention kicked-up rocks.
A full-face helmet is a lot quieter than an open-face or shorty helmet. Behind that tall windshield, I often ride with the face shield slightly open instead of locked shut. The fresh air helps me keep alert.
An upright seating position is easier on the entire upper body, especially the wrists, so I installed a taller bar with more pullback (from a GS1100).
Since I have case-savers, I bolted a good set of footrests onto them. When monkey-butt sets in, the boots go on the forward footpegs, or I move the butt back as far as I can on the seat. Amazing what these changes of riding position does for the lower back and the "sitzfleisch".
I often buy a bottle of "hot" V-8 juice at gas stops when I feel pooped. The pepper seems to perk up the metabolism without giving me the "coffee jitters".