Author Topic: BanditAlley BBS from 02/22/2005 -Archive  (Read 3092 times)

Offline mike

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BanditAlley BBS from 02/22/2005 -Archive
« on: March 19, 2005, 01:12:24 PM »
I have a copy of the old BanditAlley BBS from 02/22/2005
restored for viewing/copying messages/etc..  
available at the following url:

This is the BBS as it existed before the big crash of aught five.  
It is just an archive.  If you are missing any messages that you wish
you could have saved, please visit the board and copy/paste the message.

I have the permissions set so the entire board is viewable without logging
 in, but no new posts are allowed.  You may however click "quote" within
the message to copy all the formatted text with bbcode and paste in a
message in the appropriate forum on this board to save any message you
 feel are needed.

The BanditAlley admins have copied all the FAQ's and most important data
 already, as you have probably noticed on this board for the past couple

But the archive board will only be
 available through the end of the month 03/31 (12 days from today).  Then
 I need the database back for my site.  So, grab what you want while it's

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