Well ya know how I’ve been bit by the fitness bug, ok then call it my mid life crises
But I kinda thought it was me getting fit.
Well the wedding is off for now.

Why? Cause me little tadpoles are now a whole lot fitter than they where

. Yes sir ree, she’s up the duff

, she’s got one in the oven, she’s bloody pregnant oh my god I’m too efen old for that shyte aint I

, we is going to have another snot gobbling rug rat, a billy lid, for f sack a kid. Just when I was kinda looking forward to the next 8 to 10 years of getting rid of the buggers I’ve just gone and committed myself to another 20 years, oh my god maybe I can get committed

When is our little bundle due 30 Jan, oh I just carnt wait

So Mick ( Aussie Bandit we may not or should I say will not be at next years rally
