Author Topic: Better comraderie.....  (Read 7956 times)

Offline suzbnd12

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Better comraderie.....
« on: July 24, 2005, 01:41:34 PM »
After taking a 12 year hiatus from motorcycling, it sure is good to be out there enjoying the hell out of it once again. You don't know what you are missing until you leave it for a while and come back.

One thing that I have noticed is how much more friendly all the riders are regardless of what brand of bike they are riding. It's like a true family scene at small grocery stores in little, out of the way towns with people talking and checking out each other's rides. Even the Harley guys wave back now. I remember when you were lucky to get the bird back when waving at an H-D person!!!

I'm glad to see this "evolution of brotherly acceptance" spreading. Makes you proud to say "Yeah, I ride".  :motorsmile:

'05 B12S
'05 B12S
Damn the psychiatrists, Ride a motorcycle!!!!!

Offline redbeard

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« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2005, 04:40:57 PM »
Welcome back to cycling, from a fellow 05 B12S rider. Enjoy yourself and be safe.

Offline Red01

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« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2005, 07:59:37 PM »
Glad to hear it's better in TX, the HD crowd still ignores everything else up here in WA 90% of the time.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline PitterB4

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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2005, 08:11:11 PM »
I get the Harley Wave at least 90% of the time.  The cynic in me assumes it b/c of round headlight on the B4 - they think it's a cuiser from a distance.
'93 Bandit 400 - SOLD
'98 Honda F3 Track Bike - SOLD
'98 Kawi ZX-6R Street Bike - SOLD
'00 Gary Fisher Kaitai
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Offline Slider

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« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2005, 02:55:00 AM »
Same up here in Beaver Land
HD guys RARELY wave back to peasants up here.

You get sorta good at recognizing their profile.
Trouble is, the odd one will wave back and if you haven't, you feel a little down. Then you wonder if he wasn't a Harley visual Clones, ie some of the Jap Vtwin cruisers.

What I have observed is that a troup of HD will pass. Past the middle of the group they start waving, particularly the gals on pillion, (2 up).

You figure it out.

By the by. It has been over 90F with 90% or so humidity for most of 8 weeks up here. Anybody care to comment? What's it like just south of the border?


Bandit 12, Yoshi can, jets, KNN, Gen Mar risers, 3 Givi 36L hardbags

Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2005, 09:19:59 AM »
It's hotter, Mike.... :shock:

  I wave some of the time.

    I'm anal enough to be miffed when I wave at a cruiser dude, and you know they see you, but they don't wave back.

  I take a little comfort in  reminding myself that they probably aren't much of a rider, and need to totally concentrate on going in a straight line, at a slow speed, or they're worried that some of the flappy fringey stuff has fallen off........ :shock:
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
I'm really a very hot, sexy,lesbian, trapped in this fat, middle-aged, male body......

Offline Kamzilla

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« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2005, 10:37:47 AM »
My theory on Harley guys who don't wave back goes like this:

They're probably guys who are having a mid-life crisis.  They went out, got a bike, and now ride with that Bad to the Bone song in their head.  

I've found the seasoned riders will wave back, no matter what they're on.  They ride to ride, not to pose.
Formerly a '96 B6S - Now owned by steel96

1999 Honda VFR

Offline Old_n_Slow

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« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2005, 11:00:20 AM »
I don't sweat any respone. If I'm not concentrating on the cagers yacking on their cell phones oblivious to the traffic around them, I'll wave to any biker. If they don't wave back, I just figure their concentrating on the cell phoned brain dead cagers around them,and I just go back to enjoying my ride.
2009 KLR 650
2006 ST 1300

"you live and learn, or you don't live long"

Offline chippi

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« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2005, 11:06:59 AM »
:gatlin Poser suck!! We are all out riding! If you doen't have the control to flick your hand out or to nod your noodle then piss off....what makes you so great? :rant2: OK OK I'm letting it go

 :congrats: On the new ride I hope it is the ride your looking for, cause IMO that's what it's all about :motorsmile:
Learn from other peoples mistakes...... or you won't be around long enough to make them all yourself!

Offline jfudo

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« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2005, 11:13:31 AM »
I find almost everyone waves back around here.

My wife and I ran into a VERY seasoned rider last year during a pit stop.  We sat and talked for probably 1/2 hour with him.  He had a mid-70's harley, leaking oil like there was not tomorrow, all beat to crap, his bike certainly wasn't polished every day.  Had the look too, long beard, tattered leathers, he was probably in his 60's.  Or maybe 40's, or even 80's.  I couldn't tell.  One thing was obvious, he has experienced a lot more than most people at any age .   I suppose he doesn't fit into the group we are talking about, it wasn't about image for him.

Riding really is his life.  That is all he does.  I forget exactly how far and how long he has been on that particular trip, but I remember how amazed I was.  It was weeks and thousands of miles at least.  He also asked about us and our bikes and was generally interested.

That is why I wave to everyone, because I don't want to miss my chance to pay respect to guys like this.

Offline Tundrahog

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« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2005, 01:45:03 PM »
Most people around here wave as well.  I'm just starting to see some of the "custom cruisers" (Jesse James Orange County ect).  None of those guys wave.  I figured it's just because the handling sucks so bad they're afraid to let go of the handlebars.   :monkeymoon:

2004 Suzi B12

Offline 12sdrag

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« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2005, 10:02:01 PM »
some days I`ll get sick of waving. Other days no one waves back, the funny thing is when I ride with my buddy.He was a 800 vulcan (harley look a like) I`ve noticed that if he is a little in front or a little behind the H-D guys will wave to him and then put there hands back on the bars. I figure they just can`t keep one hand off the bars that long. :lol:  :stickpoke: but I say 85% of the time everyone waves.
It is what it is and thats all it is till it is no more

Offline scooter trash

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« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2005, 08:40:49 AM »
Here we go. Another, Let’s beat up on the Harley guys, theme.

Here is a little history lesson for you youngsters. Back before riding was cool (50’s and 60’s) and before everyone was jumping on two wheels there was a very tight knit group of individuals called “Bikers”. Most citizens feared them but to each other they were all family. It didn’t matter what you rode. Harley, Indian, Norton, Vincent, BMW, etc it just didn’t matter you always waved because it was you against the world that didn’t understand you and feared you.

Now introduce the Jap bikes. They were far superior in workmanship, reliable and inexpensive. Everyone wanted one. And those that bought them would make fun of the oil leaking, rattling, vibrating hunks of iron that ruled the roads. These Jap bike riders thought that they were much better than the others and would not wave. As a matter of fact they were to good to wave. They were riding on quality equipment. They also missed the point of riding and belonging to a family.

Now introduce the sport bikes. These guys are all squids and didn’t have a clue about riding and family.

Now introduce the custom choppers. These guys are way to cool for all of us. They spend more money on a bike than it cost to build a house when I started this story. These people think that they are much better than the others are and do not wave. As a matter of fact they are to good to wave. They were riding on quality equipment. They also missed the point of riding and belonging to a family.  Wait a minute doesn’t that sound familiar?? Has this thing gone full circle??

The roads are becoming more and more overrun with bikes. There are more and more of us but less and less camaraderie. Riding styles, image, cost, etc has tended to separate us into a dysfunctional family.

I own a Harley Davidson Springer Softail and a 1200 S Bandit and I wave. Not because of what I ride, but because I ride.

 :motorsmile:  :motorsmile:  :motorsmile:  :motorsmile:  :motorsmile:
00 Red Bandit 1200S (Gone But Not Forgotten)
96 Red Harley Springer
04 Sportster
11 BMW R1200RT
scooters - in - the - wind

"Hollow Points" - From Those Who Care To Send The Very Best

Offline chippi

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« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2005, 11:12:42 AM »
:beers:    Nicely said    :beers:

Quote from: "scooter trash"
I own a Harley Davidson Springer Softail and a 1200 S Bandit and I wave. Not because of what I ride, but because I ride.

How do you choose what to ride? Dropped a Vulcan to join the Bandit family and just can't think of when I would choose to return to the Vulcan. I love it for round town, cause I can throw it around, leap out to front or drop back quickly (avoid). I love it for long rides :blah: you get the idea. I need to take the rest of my praise to another thread :wink:

Wave high or wave low
Nod your head or flick your hand
do what you can let us know
besides showing us your rear
that you understand
why we are all here
Learn from other peoples mistakes...... or you won't be around long enough to make them all yourself!

Offline scooter trash

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« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2005, 11:49:11 AM »
At times it's a tough choice. If I know there will be no high speed or twisties (just cruz'n) then it's the Springer. If we're headed for the mountains, Bandit. If it looks like rain, Bandit. No rain within two states, Springer. Need to hauls stuff, Bandit (it has Corbin bags). Need to run up to the hardware store for a couple washers, Springer.
But there are those times I'm on one and wish I had the other.
So many decisions, my life is utter turmoil.

00 Red Bandit 1200S (Gone But Not Forgotten)
96 Red Harley Springer
04 Sportster
11 BMW R1200RT
scooters - in - the - wind

"Hollow Points" - From Those Who Care To Send The Very Best