Author Topic: Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada  (Read 3838 times)

Offline PeteSC

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« on: November 21, 2005, 07:21:51 AM »
Nevada prison inmates newest motorcycle manufacturers
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 Nevada prison inmates newest motorcycle manufacturers

A new program is reving up in the Sliver State. It allows prison inmates to build high priced motorcycles. Billy Churchwell joins us in the studio to tell us more about this new program, and what it means for the inmates, Billy?

The program is so new there are only two inmates who work on the bikes in Nevada right now. The person who runs the program says he hopes to have at least 20 or 30 workers once the business is up and running.

Behind prison walls, inmates are hard at work building Big House Choppers.

Howard Skolnik who runs the program in Southern Nevada and says, "The bikes are being made in our facility infact we are using scrap parts from the old prisons as part of the main process, saves us money, provides authenticity for the bikes." Skolnik hopes to expand Big House Choppers across the state. "We had to build the motorcycles before we get license we've received approval from the National Traffic Safety Administration on our vin numbers and just this week we received approval from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to be a manufacturer."

The main goal of the program is to open the gate for prisoners once they are released back into the public.

"Our primary charge is to provide the inmates with activities income and skills that will let them get employed when they get out."

We talked to an official for the Nevada Department of Corrections, and he says the program could come to Northern Nevada only if it is 100 percent sucessfull in the southern part of the state. The custom choppers are expected to sell for $40-thousand or more a piece.  

  Recycled Prison Parts?
  What's the seat gonna be made of....GRANITE?
  Prison bars for Handlebars?
   Fuel tank and bodywork made out of License Plates with Typos on them?
  Maybe the headlight will be one of those searchlights they use on the guard towers?
   The kickstands will be made from recycled SHIVS?

      Maybe they'll sign and authenticate the bikes?

   "This muffler was used to beat Fat Louie to death on cell block B when he tried to shank me.   Loud, heavy pipes save lives!"
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline smooth operator

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2005, 07:28:41 AM »
40K! or more! sounds like they'er still robbing. How ya think the service and warinty will work. HA! And who's going to hire them when they get out? get real

Offline PeteSC

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2005, 07:37:02 AM »
I'm sure there's good money in assembling choppers from stolen parts!
  Yeah, how would you like to take a 'factory tour'!

   Usually, there's big resistance from the business community when any competing prison industry pops up.
  We'll see if the chopper assemblers put a stop to this.
  That's actually the biggest reason you don't see more prison industry.
Most states have laws that any prison industry can only provide services for government entities.....license plates, furniture, etc.
  I think one prison in the NW is doing telephone customer service rep stuff.    Must be cheaper than Indians!

   I'm guessing this won't last long, although, some fool would buy them.
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
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Offline Landry

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2005, 11:42:29 AM »
I'd be interested to see a video of a guy trying to get warranty work done.
Ever noticed that they don't make helmets out of bone? There's a reason.

Offline PeteSC

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2005, 11:56:27 AM »
What kind of warranty would they have?

   1 year, or less if the bike doesn't act up?  (good time)
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
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Offline jared1970

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2005, 03:11:11 PM »
Sounds like the Discovery Channel might have a new hit show. :roll:
'06 Suzuki Boulevard M50
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Offline PeteSC

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2005, 07:26:34 PM »
Naw, I wouldn't ride one if they gave one to me.

   I bet they'll all be recalled after a few months after they start displaying a tendency to REAREND other vehicles..... :monkeymoon:
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
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Offline broncbob

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Big House Cycles, built by thugs.../Nevada
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2005, 03:11:44 PM »
they pay inmates all most nothing.....and still they are gonna go for over 40 grand......i'd say they are still rob'n folks! it'd be great if they put out a good bike at a resonable cost! would get loads of sales! every one these days want's a chopper, make em afordable and they'd sell like hot cakes!
i'm to young to go that slow!