Author Topic: BOINK!  (Read 5182 times)

Offline billster

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« on: September 18, 2005, 05:04:20 AM »
Keep and eye on those mirrors, people!   :shock:  :duh:

Bill  :motorsmile:
The older I get, the better I was.

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Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2005, 09:48:29 AM »
The bad thing is, even if you see the moron barreling down on you in your rear view mirrors, you're never sure which way to go to get out of the way! :shock:
  I've pulled off to the right...and had the car attempt to go around to the right at the same time....
  Dunno.  If you notice this happening, you don't really have much time to decide what to do.
   I almost got rear ended in my pickup truck a couple of weeks ago.
  I saw it coming, and almost pulled over onto the shoulder to get out of the way.  An early 80's era large GM car was doing 35 or so, and ready to plow into me, as I was doing 5 mph or so in stop and go traffic.
  After she stood on the brakes, and started sliding, she headed for the shoulder of the road before I could.
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline Desolation Angel

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« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2005, 10:45:42 AM »
I've seen that video before and it gives me the creeps.  You see him try to get off, but doesn't make it. :sad:

Offline Cruisecontrol

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« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2005, 11:53:07 AM »
I always watch my mirrors like a hawk until at least one car has come to a complete stop behind me. Once I pulled up for a set of lights on a four lane road and I was riding my lovely 82 Katana, so my braking wasn't exactly the sharpest. As soon as I stopped I saw a tow truck in my mirrors who was obviously not going to stop in time, so I angled over in front of the car next to me to avoid being hit. The truck, tyres somoking, ended up almost right through the intersection before he managed to stop.
When I passed him further down the road he had a look of part embarrassment and part relief as I think he was almost as glad that I had managed to get out of his way as I was.

Offline billybandit

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« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2005, 03:21:13 PM »
I'm shaking now! That's horrible, hope the pickup driver lost loads of money and suffered horribly as a result of his lack of safety

Offline Egg 'n' Bacon

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« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2005, 05:48:10 PM »
Question; why was the biker stopped?  Also, why there?  

Maybe he/she was inexperienced.  I can't think of anything else for stopping 'in the line of fire' like that.  But whatever, they didn't deserve that.

Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2005, 06:15:43 PM »
It's hard to see, but that's a traffic light strung overhead, over the road.
 He's waiting at a red light...... :shock:  :stop:
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
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I'm really a very hot, sexy,lesbian, trapped in this fat, middle-aged, male body......

Offline tomacGTi

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« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 01:51:15 AM »
Take it from someone who got rear-ended (albiet, with much, much less drama): you really never expect it. I'm pretty maniacal about my mirrors but I guess I take stoplights kind of for granted sometimes.

Literally waiting to move forward after being stopped in a line of traffic at a light, I got bonked a couple of weeks ago at maybe 10mph. I had no means to get out of the way, even if I had the opportunity as I was behind a car, next to traffic and at a very narrow shoulder. In a way I was kind of happy to have not seen it coming as I had nowhere to go.

Needless to say, the bike went down and the damage was minimal. And Pete, the guy did send a check for the full amount only after calling me and trying to "deal" his way through it.


Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2005, 08:14:15 AM »
Cool, Randy!   I'm glad you got the money.
   I've been stiffed a couple of times, and have gotten paranoid! :shock:
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
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I'm really a very hot, sexy,lesbian, trapped in this fat, middle-aged, male body......

Offline Denverbandit99

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« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2005, 08:49:17 PM »
well, the video is from a police car, so presumably the guy in the truck was at least caught.

Offline Cruisecontrol

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« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2005, 09:12:13 PM »
I bet the police car was the cause of the accident. The car driver was rubbernecking to see what Mr police man was up to whilst ignoring everything else on the road.


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« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2005, 10:21:38 PM »
My boss's Dad was killed like that about 5 years ago. He was riding down the Interstate on his Roadking and some idiot in a truck just ran right up the back of his bike and killed him. He had just retired after 30 years of mining coal.

I always plan an escape route when I'm riding but sometimes you just get smashed.

Offline turbo-bob

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« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2005, 12:04:29 AM »
There's been a couple times - while sitting at a lite, I hear someone
It does scare the crap outta ya

"more skiding"  :grin:
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Offline oldandslow

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« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2005, 12:46:33 AM »
Yes, watch your backside!  I was rear-ended on 101 in Silicon Valley, at speed, by a guy in a Suburban who must have been doing 90mph!  Saw him in my rear-view mirror and accelerated, but couldn't get out of the way.

I was driving my Pontiac Gran Prix - $7K damage - had it been the B12 there wouldn't have been anything left of me ('course, the B12 might actually have gotten out of the way, but I have no desire to reenact it to find out!)

Now I watch my mirrors SO much I'll probably run straight into something while looking backwards!   :duh:

Ride safe!
Rob in HMB (escaped from KC)
'02 B12, Givi E52 topcase, National Cycle Plexistar2, Kimpex grip heaters, Suzuki case guards

Offline doublenaughtspy

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« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2005, 01:54:16 AM »
I got one for ya....I was struck on I285 (the bypass around Atlanta) in the lane next to the right side emergency lane while trying to escort a vehicle back into traffic....oh, yeah....I had my emergency lights and siren going at the time!  The idiot said she thought I was still in the emergency lane.  She left about 25 feet of skid before impact.  Her estimated speed at impact was 48-53mph.  At least I was moving when she hit me.  My angel was working overtime that injuries!  The Road King was totalled.  That makes one wonder is "totalled Harley" an oxymoron?