My helmet & seat belt opinions are like yours, DA. Though when helmets were optional, I did ride without one on occasion - like a ride down to the store a few blocks away.
What strikes me as odd... CO is the only state without a lid law in the top 10 - and it's way down at #8. I'd like to see the full list of how all the states rank, but the article doesn't say who compiled the list. While looking for this list, I came across a NHTSA research report on occupant fatality rates by type and size of vehicle, but it didn't include motorcycles, just cars, trucks, vans & SUV's. What's interesting is the 2004 national cage fatality rate is 10-15 per 100,000 registered passenger vehicles, depending on your choice of cage... so it sounds like you'd be >5x safer to ride without a helmet in CO than to be in a cage. agency says motorcycle deaths in Colorado rose from less than 22-hundred in 1997 to more four-thousand in 2004.
Hmmm... is this agency the NHTSA? If so, that flies in the face of what they publish on their website. According to their
CO page, there were only 80 m/c rider deaths in 2004. 19 of those were helmeted and 61 were lidless. The NHTSA claims 11 lives were saved because someone was wearing a helmet in their accident and helmets would have saved 23 of the lidless ones .
Their CO stats available to the public on the site only go back to 2000, and the m/c death toll for '00 was 73. 18 helmeted, 55 lidless. A lid saved 7 and 22 could have been saved with a lid.
Here's the NHTSA's CO m/c fatality stats:
Year/Total m/c deaths/helmeted/unhelmeted/unknown/lives saved by a helmet/lives that could have been saved with a helmet