It annoys you. You don't want to make a mistake, You don't want to scar the bike. But it's nothing to beat yourself up over.
... Yes, if you are eternally vigilant and totally perfect, you can avoid it happening to you. But most of us aren't that perfect and will get distracted or uncoordinated at some point.
... We judge ourselves by differing standards!
Well, I backed into a pole with the Mustang.. and I was possibly just about as hard on myself about it,.. except that there wasn't a mark on the car. I think the problem I'm having is that we've had "close calls" before,... for instance, I popped the clutch once, and stalled him while trying to make a corner, from a stop. He was probably 30 degrees from upright, and I managed to stop from hitting the ground.
A couple of other times I've saved things that seemed as bad,.. but this time it seemed like a foregone conclusion before it started. The more I think about it, the more I know it was unavoidable, but man does it hurt the pride!
I am sure I had my left foot down on the ground after I shifted (for stability, because of the extra weight I was carrying), and my right covering the brake, so I was in 100% the wrong position for saving this when I found myself in neutral. How can I change this in the future? That's where I'm not sure. To me, that's the most important part, that I learn from it so that hopefully it doesn't happen again.
Id say you had one of the few "better " drops, in terms of bike damage anyway, judging by those pics. As far as your emotions go when stuff like this happens?.. that can play a different toll!
Yeah, who knew that the pride could take that sort of a hit! In all honesty, the damage there isn't worth fixing, with the exception of the brake pedal. There's no compromise in the performance,.. it's all a matter of whether I want the reminder everytime I get on him.
sorry to hear that happened... but glad to hear the 'crash' gear did it's job and protected most of the bike.
Hope you're feeling better soon too, the effort one puts in to holding up a bike is often only felt the next few days...
and yes it's happened to me dropped it early this year when I didn't make sure the kickstand was all the way down...
always makes me glad I don't ride a 1198 I think i'd need therapy to get over it then.
I was really sore the next day, then already feeling somewhat better the day after. I went to the chiropractor on Friday (so 5 days later) and I really got to see how much I'd put out. Wow.
I'm really impressed with how well the bike laid down. I had thought that there would have been a souvenir on the tank. (Because of course I've always had the crash gear but never tried to lay the bike on its side to see what would really happen if...) Somehow it looks like the width of the bars stopped me from getting pinned under it too. So all in all, between the Rizomas (that I customized, btw. They're not installed as intended by the manufacturer) and the bars, I am pretty happy with the protection both the tank and I got.
So far, I've never had a problem with the kickstand, because I use it to stop the engine. I come to a stop, and put the stand down. If I don't feel a positive stop of the stand, I don't get off the bike. It's a weird procedure, based on the looks I've gotten, but it's cheap insurance. Worth a try?
Yes. I just dropped mine TONIGHT! (Conincidence?) I stopped on the side of the road and put the kickstand down, removed gloves, laid them on the seat, walked around the bike, stepped over the guardrail to make my bladder gladder, a car went by and I heard Crunch! What the... turned around, saw the bike on it's side. :banghead:ARRRGHHH!!! Fortunately, the previous owner installed engine crash bars. It looks like the turn signal housings and clutch lever are the only things that broke (thank goodness for folding rear view mirrors). And, at least you only dropped your Honda (sorry, had to say it; after all, it is a bandit forum, ya know!)
Poor Dita's been on her side a couple of times that way. I did it in Jasper, r_outsider was riding the 919 down one of the mountain roads, because I'd said no @#$#@ way was I riding back down it after having ridden up it, and once at the bottom we were going to switch back. So I stop Dita, put the stand down, and get off. I didn't pay attention to how sloped the road was. She was too upright, and I was about 10 paces away from her when I heard a CRASH! and thought ahhh,.. shit. The other notable time would be when I was push starting her in the alley, and had to stop for a breather. She leaned away from me and I thought,.. "what the hell?" as I tried to stop her, I began sliding toward her on the gravel, and she pulled me on top of her.
Sorry to hear about this but am glad both you and Amy are alright. BTW did the 400 make it home?
Yes, the Bandit made it home. Required a couple bump starts to get there, but I'm getting good at those...
We haven't figured out yet what her temper tantrum was about though. For those who weren't there:
We rode the route for the toy run, and when we got to the destination, Dita just decided she needed a nap. r_outsider was riding her into the parking lot and she just slowed down the rpms, coughed and stalled. He managed to bump start her and get going again after all of the other bikes were in and parked (that was a bit of a wait. There were tons of bikes this year) and she was fine while riding the rest of the day, she just had a dead battery the whole time, necessitating the bump starting, which was the reason I offered to take Amy as the passenger, instead of her riding with him.
Glad to hear that personal injury was minimal. Too bad you totalled the bike though.
I know right? With the way Hondas depreciate,... $150 damage... the ins co will definitely write it off if I tell them....