This may be a silly question, but do your leathers have knee pucks? If not, I recommend against it!
As a rule (for me anyway) if you are going fast enough to
NEED to put a knee down, you shouldn't be on a Bandit and you certainly shouldn't be on the street.
I ride with a lot of guys who do track days and race WERA. They know all about putting a knee down, but never do it on the street.
CAN it be done on a Bandit on the street? Sure, it's not really that hard once you get a feel for it. And that's the point really.. it makes your leg into a feeler of sorts.
I will say that a lot of people stick their knee out in turns to look cool, but their body position is all wrong and it makes it obvious to those "in the know" that they are just being squidly.