Yup, putting the dang thing into a truck to take to storage for the winter months. Got the wifes B6 in ok, but by the time it was my turn, surfaces were way too wet and slippery, without me noticing.
Got half way up the ramp, she slipped, back wheel slipped, I never got a chance to make the sure footed position transition to the ramp myself and the bike started down.
The bike, despite my best efforts of holding her up and telling my wife
(like that did alot of good) that "I cant hold it!" came down on top of me, pushed me down and back. Sylvia
(I call her that), became inverted and thanks to the kickstand, got hung up on the ramp lip to the side. What a sight!
After realizing I had actually hurt myself
(Least of my concerns), seeing the Bandit hung upside down like that was not very soothing!. Getting her full weight off the side stand that was hung on the lip of the ramp was fun!
(yikes). I had all these images of what exactly would be "grinding down" as I had to get her off the ramp fully to get her up!.
Heres the expense toll: left side fairing=scuffed, gear shift=bent, mirror=gone, indicator light=obliterated-not even any trace of it being there
!(how that hapened-I dont know).
I could of literally smacked the guy who came by, looked at Sylvia upside down and said," thats unfortunate!"
So now I have the wonderful task of replacing pieces. Got the shifter=ebay, getting the fairing replaced=ebay from 2001 bandit of same colour
.(I probably could of gotten the fairing fixed as the damage is more superficial really, but I also had a drop a couple of years ago where there were marks, so, I decided to replace anyway), Mirror=Ebay. I found a gel seat on Ebay to boot!.
All in all, I think I got off lucky,
(for Sylvia and for me) I only recieved a bruised femur from trying to hold her up
(the bike, not the wife) when I should of accepted the inevitable instead!. SO Bruise is going away now, and waiting for my stuff.
P.S One thing I found out about Ebay,= Dont always search for item with specific terms, I punched in only "Bandit seat" and found a Geller in the mix!.