Author Topic: Finally got new 1250!  (Read 5345 times)

Offline ZillaX

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Finally got new 1250!
« on: May 10, 2007, 03:41:19 PM »
I finally took delivery of my bike!

Came in April 26.  I haven't been online much since the bike arrived!  Sorry it has taken me so long to post.

Bike is working great!  I have about 800 miles on it and have done my first service and found no problems.  By the way the Suzuki service manual is excellent, anyone that owns the bike should pick one up.  Most detailed service manual I have ever owned!  

What I think about the bike:


1)  Incredible power delivery!  So smooth and torquey I was honestly surprised how good the motor is!  

2)  Suspension is compliant and yet firm enough not to feel spongy.  I weigh about 220 and so far have no complaints.

3)  Fuel mileage.  I have got over 40 mpg on every tank so far.  That's ripping around with regular trips to the C-note and beyond!  I've gone 180 miles on a tank a couple times and only could get 4.3 gallons in the tank,  so I think 200 miles is pretty likely on a tank.  But the blinking lights always make me chicken out!

4)  Quiet.  This bike is so quiet it kinda freaks me out!  When I get my tall window my wife and I will be able to carry on a conversation going right down the road!  I know a pipe would unleash more beans, but I think I'm gonna leave it stock.  Kinda be a silent assassin. :bandit:

The bad:

1)  Mirrors give great view of my shoulders.  :sad:

2)  Windblast hit me square in the chest.

3)  So quiet cars your passing don't know your there!

Overall the new Bandit is everything I hoped it would be.  It as a great compromise bike for those of us who need one bike to do everything.  I'm sure havin' fun! :motorsmile:
07 1250S Bad in Black!
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Offline ZenMan

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 04:19:36 PM »
ZillaX!   :congrats:

I was gettin' worried about ya, since you PM'ed me about going to pick up the new ride... shoulda known you was just out ridin' it!  :motorsmile:

Yeah, it's quite the bad, black Bandit, aye? A real stealth fighter. I'm also contemplating leaving the stock muffler on, it's got plenty of power and it's cool to be able to sneak around at 100+ mph.  :bandit:

Also the mirrors do suck. I hear there are billet aluminum extensions available for the '06 (same bodywork), if anyone has a link it sure would be appreciated.  :wink:

Check out the MRA Vario Touring screen at TwistedThrottle:

Let's see some pics, aye?  :bigok:
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Offline LowRyter

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 09:45:43 PM »
congrats on the new bike.  The new Bandit is awesome.  

I think stock Bandits are the quietest bikes on the road.  I know before I put a slip-on my '98, I coulnd't hear it over my friend's stock Beemer K-bike!  Man, that is too quiet.
John L

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Offline spuddy

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2007, 08:27:00 AM »
:bigok: i picked up my blue baby last night!!

first impressions and my ride home from the dealership. (i went for a 70mile spin).
the can on this thing is friggen huge!  it is a lot bigger than it looks in the pic.
comfortable seat and ergos. analog tach with digital speedo are laid out well and the mirrors are pretty good.
motor is smooth and quiet but definately missing the punch of the zrx. it didn't try to yank you off the handlebars when i opened up second.
but power is definately there and very consistant. the FI on this thing is sooo smooth! i definately got me a keeper!! :motorsmile:  

i've been riding the DR for the last year and half and she is a little taller...
it looked pretty funny when i got on the bandit and almost fell over because i threw my leg waaaaaaaayyyy over the seat. :roll:
'07 GSF1250
'06 DR 650

Offline ZenMan

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2007, 11:57:39 AM »
:congrats: Spuddy! Feels like a jet when you crank it up, aye? You don't feel a "punch" when the power-band kicks in because the power-band on this thing is practically all over the tach! Smooooth delivery.  :bandit:

The blue ones are the ABS models, correct? Have you had a chance to get into the braking hard yet, or do you have any feedback on the ABS?

Inquiring minds want to know...  :bigok:
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Offline 06 Greyhound

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2007, 12:26:33 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
:congrats: Spuddy! Feels like a jet when you crank it up, aye? You don't feel a "punch" when the power-band kicks in because the power-band on this thing is practically all over the tach! Smooooth delivery.  :bandit:

The blue ones are the ABS models, correct? Have you had a chance to get into the braking hard yet, or do you have any feedback on the ABS?

Inquiring minds want to know...  :bigok:

My 06 has ABS and so far I have only found it once. That was going into a S bend a little too fast.  I went a bit wide and into some road gravel on the edge of the track -no not off the driving lane- just left over gravel from a snow storm early that week.   Anyway, at about the point where I was starting to think I should worry, it slowed me down and let me continue on my way.  No real feel of a pulse, just smooth controllled breaking.
I wasn't sure about the ABS when I bought the bike, never ridden with it before, but I am sold now.

Offline spuddy

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2007, 10:08:52 AM »
i've only tested the abs once in the parking lot and then only a bit of pulse. felt okay to me. 2 of my veteran rider buddies both said they didn't think they would like abs on a bike. neither could answer my question as to why. i could understand the argument against linked braking but i don't know of too many situations on the road where i would want my wheels locking up, especially under braking. i got caught in the rain yesterday but i am a little leary grabbing a handfull of front brake in the wet just to test the abs... yet.  :trustme:  
accell is damn smooth and yes, the powerband is at the crack of the throttle. very nice!! i did a small 1st gear rollon wheelie with little effort, it just felt wierd having all that extra bike in front of me. :shock:
only managed 40 miles yesterday before the thunderstorms hit but i plan a full days ride today. i mounted a set of small givi soft saddlebags i had for the zzr and they work okay but don't leave a lot of room for the passenger pegs and would look better with a mounting rack. i need some storage space and i hate tank bags so they are there to stay for a while.

T-Bone is witholding his comments on the bags, but he did say at least they are functional...  :stfu:

the chicken strips should be gone today...  :wink:

'07 GSF1250
'06 DR 650

Offline ZenMan

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2007, 10:37:19 AM »
Nice!  :bigok:

I like the blue with silver frame. I wonder hoe long before the rear fender gets chopped... I did mine the day after I got her home.

I was leery of the ABS myself, didn't want anything cramping my style during aggressive braking... but everything I've heard or read so far says it doesn't come in until the very last....I guess it would be good to have, but mine is a non-ABS (black) and I'm happy with it.

I hear you on the sideracks. I prefer soft luggage and I have a nice set, but I don't like to hang them without a rack. Here's a link to a page that carries numerous products for the 1250, incuding the SW-Motech Quik-Loc Sideracks that I think I might order (scroll down to bottom of page):

No pics but if you look at the ones for the 1200, you can see that they fit pretty tight and if you ever go to hard bags, all you'll need is the adapter plates.

Ol' T-bone seems to like it...  :bandit:
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Offline spuddy

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2007, 11:05:57 AM »
thanks for the link! my first purchase will probably be a pair of these...

listed for the '05 but i wonder if they will fit? not the prettiest but they look sturdy.

zenman, i'll be in your neck of the woods the end of this month. about 4 of us are heading to nw AR on the 26th for a little twistie action.  :toocool:  were taking the DR's and our sportbikes so it ought to be a blast!
'07 GSF1250
'06 DR 650

Offline Red01

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2007, 11:53:27 AM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
Here's a link to a page that carries numerous products for the 1250, incuding the SW-Motech Quik-Loc Sideracks that I think I might order (scroll down to bottom of page):

I noticed just below the sideracks was the TCP lowers... and if you click on the image, they're showing the same p/n for the air/oil cooled '05-'06 B650... so I guess the radiator on the 1250 doesn't cause a problem - or they're just selling ones to fit the wider of the two heat exchangers.
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Offline ZenMan

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2007, 01:47:07 PM »
Quote from: "spuddy"
thanks for the link! my first purchase will probably be a pair of these...

listed for the '05 but i wonder if they will fit? not the prettiest but they look sturdy.

I doubt they will fit. The new water-cooled engines have different mounts, so I'd be real careful ordering anything for '05 or earlier models.

The '05 650 and the '06 1200 have the new bodywork, so things like windshields and racks should fit the '07.

Quote from: "spuddy"
zenman, i'll be in your neck of the woods the end of this month. about 4 of us are heading to nw AR on the 26th for a little twistie action.  :toocool:  were taking the DR's and our sportbikes so it ought to be a blast!

Are you guys trailering it then? You're welcome to stop over here at our place, we have 36 acres to camp on, guest apartment with shower & kitchenette, trailer and motorhome, lotsa space.

Also a shop fulla welders, tools, compressor... and I cook a mean pot 'o chili.  :wink:

We have some of the best twisty roads around, and miles of gravel roads and dirt trails to blast around on... Just PM me with your E.T.A. and I can give you directions. Ya'll would have a blast... it's all southern hospitality here, Bro.  :bigok:

If you want you can check out some pics of my bike and some of the junk we have laying around our spread, and a whole bunch of other stuff in this crazy thread:
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Offline ZenMan

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2007, 01:51:47 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Quote from: "ZenMan"
Here's a link to a page that carries numerous products for the 1250, incuding the SW-Motech Quik-Loc Sideracks that I think I might order (scroll down to bottom of page):

I noticed just below the sideracks was the TCP lowers... and if you click on the image, they're showing the same p/n for the air/oil cooled '05-'06 B650... so I guess the radiator on the 1250 doesn't cause a problem - or they're just selling ones to fit the wider of the two heat exchangers.

Yeah, I noticed that too, Red... makes me kinda suspicious actually. Do you know the width of the '05-'06 650 oil cooler? Because the 1250 is 18-3/4" wide. Maybe they incude spacers for the SACS models? I dunno... like I said I'm gonna wait for the Suzuki lowers, in the hopes that it's the louver style instead if the wedgies...  :roll:
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Offline ZenMan

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2007, 02:49:57 AM »
Quote from: "06 Greyhound"
My 06 has ABS and so far I have only found it once. That was going into a S bend a little too fast.  I went a bit wide and into some road gravel on the edge of the track -no not off the driving lane- just left over gravel from a snow storm early that week.   Anyway, at about the point where I was starting to think I should worry, it slowed me down and let me continue on my way.  No real feel of a pulse, just smooth controllled breaking.
I wasn't sure about the ABS when I bought the bike, never ridden with it before, but I am sold now.

Sounds like it works then... it may have even just paid for itself, considering what might have happened if you'd gone off.  :motorsmile:
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Offline spuddy

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Finally got new 1250!
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2007, 11:45:09 PM »

i take her in tomorrow for 600 mi service.  
:motorsmile: i had a good break in weekend. i rode solo sun/mon out on the backroads. kept her between 4 and 5k with a couple 6k for passing. smooth! did a blast today to 7.5k in 6th = 130  :wink:  
seat was very comfy but my but was hurtin today.
wind blast is pretty bad. granted, it was windy here today but even yesterday i noticed it. taller windshield would be nice, but i did notice i can tuck fairly easy.  :bandit:
i see that mr. suzuki failed to place any protection over the front of the radiator.   :duh:  radiators dont like rocks and i've seen a few get taken out while in a pack. i'm fabbing up a screen tomorrow.  :wink:
'07 GSF1250
'06 DR 650

Offline banditone1250s

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Changing the oil filter.
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2007, 02:57:00 PM »
I did my first oil and filter change at 500 miles and let me tell you that oil filter is a "BITCH". to get out of those pipes without dripping oil all over everything(the pipes mainly).The manual also says to change it while the oil is "warm". That means that the pipes are hotter than hell.
    Does any one have any ideas about this. It just seems to me that they couldv'e put the filter in a little easier place to get to. Oh well it is what it is but if any one has any ideas about making it a little easier please PM me and let me know....
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