Maybe I didn't calculate it very well...but is the power to weight ratio down or nearly the same from the 2nd Gens? Why the hell would you want that? If it isn't any better why the hell would I want to buy it?
It seems kinda retarded to me to spend that kind of money on a bike that isn't any better.
What the crap is Suzuki thinking over there? And I thought we were the ones with the crack problems. Good to see we apparently export some to the Japanese engineers.
It would figure they couldn't get it right what do you expect when they can't even get their Drz 450 out. 
That is the way I read the new B-1250s. Same RWHP (at earlier RPM) loads of new weight, and same old clunky but reinforced waterpipe frame.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I was quoted $10,500.00 for the new ABS B-12, which puts it in the same price range as the 140 hp FZ-1, which has a modern frame, modern chasis, and brakes. Yes the FZ-1 has some mapping problems which I am sure will be ironed out. But I am also sure the new B-12 will have it's problems just like any other new model bike.
Yes, I am sure you will be able to make it go faster, but at $10,500.00, for starters, (I am talking Canadian Prices here BTW), You would end up with a pretty expensive bike that would not come close to the power to weight numbers the FZ-1 puts out. (Priced at $10,500.00 Canadian Bucks)
I do enjoy my 2002 B-12, but the last thing I ever said it needed was an additional 50 lbs of weight.
I know where my money would go....
I am sorry, but I think Zuki is not going to sell a pile of these. The old Bandit was a budget bike, that did have value. I don't see this in the new 1250.