Am I seeing the plastic stickon on the side of the can in the first pic? Wow. I guess that's part of the scenery now. And, yep, you are just one of the many that have said 'the exhaust is too quiet, tho.' I'm sure we are all very happy with the expensive aftermarkets we have thrown on but I've seen more an more comments about the excessive noise we are all putting out now. I now idle down the hill to my place at night because out rural neighbourhood doesn't appreciate it too much. Funny, cause I queried on the noise status before I made the purchase and got a number of 'not too loud' and 'a nice low rumble' answers. Even bought 2Bros addon gold tail piece which was supposed to drop the note by a couple of dbs. Well, it looks really sharp but it didn't seem to make any noise level diff. I ride with earplugs now.