Author Topic: Hands Off !  (Read 2677 times)

Offline Unique

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Hands Off !
« on: October 03, 2010, 12:01:09 PM »
I thought some of you might be interest in what i came cross, the latest daft Brussels proposal,  :annoy: European Commission wants to introduce Europe wide standardised periodical Technical Inspections (PTIs) for motorcycles or better know in the UK as the MOT Test.

Which could effect us in the UK and other Europe countries specially of you who seem to live in  countries that still don’t have any (PTIs) at all !.  :yikes:

This daft idea may seem a good thing at first !!  :rant2:  But if it go through, more then likely will be a lot stricter then we have now, then not.
when any thing like this is introduced the likeliness is, we’ll adopt the strictest country’s (PTIs) rules, which i believe is German, where i hear even fitting aftermark accessories, let-alone any alterations done that don’t use official manufacturer accessory could mean more difficult to pass the test. !!  :motorsmile: !!!

Worst Scenario
More road side checks / Test after ever modification / accessory / change of owner / accident, etc, etc,

We only had 3 weeks to register our views, which ended on the 24 September 2010..... they kept that quiet
Those of you who live in German, how hard is it to pass (PTIs) after doing mod or fitting a accessories !!!