Bandit Alley

GENERAL MOTORCYCLE FORUMS => GENERAL MOTORCYCLE => Topic started by: Sven on April 24, 2006, 12:21:43 AM

Title: Happy Birthday El Bandido!
Post by: Sven on April 24, 2006, 12:21:43 AM
Monday (4/24) is elbandido's 3rd birthday.  We've managed to put 17,650 miles on each other.  Other than the Honda I rode in the MSF course, and a couple times on my buddy's ZRX1100, all my riding has been on elbandido.

I think the tone of our relationship (que the Carpenters' classic "Hurting Each Other"), was set from the beginning.  I had my buddy ride elbandido home from the dealer because I just wasn't quite ready for the open road, having only ridden in class.  The next day, I thought I would at least bring the bike out of the garage on get it up on the sidewalk and take a few pictures.  I found that pushing the 500 lb monster was harder than I anticipated, especially when it got into the grass, where it bogged down and fell over on its side, breaking the mirror, turn signal (front and rear) and shift lever off.  And I had yet to ride it a single inch.  Ah, good times, good times….
Title: Happy Birthday El Bandido!
Post by: Red01 on April 24, 2006, 10:29:34 AM
:congrats: and happy birthday!
You haven't killed the bike or yourself yet.  :wink:  :stickpoke:

Bummer that you got your first damage before you even got a chance to ride it.
Title: Happy Birthday El Bandido!
Post by: Sven on April 24, 2006, 02:27:54 PM
Quote from: "Red01"
Bummer that you got your first damage before you even got a chance to ride it.

That's all in the rear view now!