Man am I brave or what. I crawled to the dark side not so long ago and bought a 2006 Honda CB1300 the naked version. The only addition has been a pack rack and a OEM Honda fly screen (fantastic by the way).
I have now travel about 1500km and for the first 1000km almost regreted my decision not to buy a new Bandit. What changed my mind was a 250km non-stop ride on a sunny windless day with very little traffic.
I am so at home on this bike now It is just like being back on the B12. I know I know that is a pretty bold statement to make on a forum such as this but just think for a minute that isn't it possible that following the worldwide success of the bandit that maybe Honda decided to get a piece of the action to.
Anyway I am no mechanical expert just a guy that loves the two wheeled life,and in my limited opinion maybe just maybe Honda has produced an equal to the Bandit.

must go to Honda on this one.