Author Topic: If you ride a motorcycle in the US, you might not have health insurance?  (Read 2923 times)

Offline stormi

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Offline dhcolesj

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Thanks for the heads up!   :thanks:

I would like for "motorcycling" to cease being considered strictly a recreational activity.  I use my bike to commute to work.  Granted it does make the trip a little more fun.  :motorsmile:
See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

'08 1250S Bandit

Offline smooth operator

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  Sounds like to me, the ins. companies are supporting her campain. I Pay more for my ins. because I ride a motorcycle.

Offline Red01

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The AMA has a page where you can let your Congressfolk know how you feel on S.616 & H.R. 1076:
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Offline Old_n_Slow

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I stopped paying my $$$ into the health insurance companies years ago, and banked the premiums instead. Best move I ever made, especially when I see friends trying to get their insurer to pay a claim. Plus, I get to pick my own doctors, and you'd be amazed at the discount you'll get for paying cash.

If you don't think you can do it, take a look at how much you spent for doctors and meds over the last 3 years, and then figure out how long it would have taken you to save that much by banking your premiums instead. Just an alternative, YMMV.
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Offline Geoffwhite18

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yeah Health insurance is a rip off. It just sucks when you have to go to the doctor. It is much cheaper, however, than paying for health insurance! It's the biggest scam ever!!!! Well, next to the price of gas that is!!!!