Bandit Alley

GENERAL MOTORCYCLE FORUMS => GENERAL MOTORCYCLE => Topic started by: rider123 on December 18, 2011, 05:38:59 AM

Title: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: rider123 on December 18, 2011, 05:38:59 AM

This has got to be the top candidate for LAMEST Bandit video. I like how he zooms in on that shit stock exhaust like it was a cool feature of the bike lol!!

Its the video equivalent of blue balls. A big run up, to some old guy triathilon marshal two upping on that kids Bandit. The sandals while riding is a nice touch! I'm sure all those shots of the tachometer revving(with only the shit synth music of course, no engine sound)is going to come in handy ferrying around a triathalon marshal at 10 mph in front of runners.
Title: Re: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: smooth operator on December 20, 2011, 07:17:32 AM
 I'll 2nd that,pretty lame.
Title: Re: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: rider123 on December 20, 2011, 08:16:11 AM
Funny thing is it was next to like a top speed run or whatever and if you look at the initial pic of the video you're like "wow this looks cool" but afterwards you wish you had your 1min and 10 seconds back. Ouch!

Please! If you guys make videos in the future do not put cheesy music to drown out the engine sounds. I've seen this on even classic bikes where the whole point is to listen to the engine, not Duran Duran.
Title: Re: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: the2ndgeorge on January 01, 2012, 10:20:02 PM
in my opinion, this goon is king:
Title: Re: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: rider123 on January 02, 2012, 12:14:23 AM
I didn't think I could find a lamer video but I was wrong, very wrong:

At least that guy on the bandt 400 could burn out, check out this Harley, doesn't even have enough power to burn out and the guy tries for like mins frying his clutch. What a waste of a beer, he should have dumped it on the Harley's clutch it may have saved it.

Title: Re: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: stormi on January 11, 2012, 12:51:41 AM

This has got to be the top candidate for LAMEST Bandit video. I like how he zooms in on that shit stock exhaust like it was a cool feature of the bike lol!!

LMAO! And at 0:49 you see he's riding with loafers and no socks.  Awesome.
Title: Re: LAMEST Bandit video ever.
Post by: rider123 on January 11, 2012, 01:39:20 AM
Not only that but he almost dumps the bike, a good companion next door to the Bandit 1200 doing 260Km/h video   :duh:. I wish a disgruntled Palestinian came along, at least there would be some action.