Author Topic: Lane Splitting 101  (Read 10273 times)

Offline B6mick

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Lane Splitting 101
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2006, 05:24:23 AM »
I'll be on my bestest behavior.
and lets face it after the trip I'll be doing to get there, my attitude will be fully adjusted. I may be tried, saddle sore, but cranky, no I don't think so
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Offline Red01

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Lane Splitting 101
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2006, 10:34:54 AM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
Ok we have a huge misunderstanding here of lanesplitting, filtering and lane sharing.

Here in the States, they're using the terms 'lane sharing' and 'lane splitting' interchangeably. The proponents trying to get it legalized seem to think 'lane sharing' is a less offensive sounding term.
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Offline banditoverde

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Lane Splitting 101
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2006, 03:45:24 AM »
As a cop I have real trouble seeing why some places feel the need to specifically outlaw lane splitting.  Even if I don't think like a traffic cop, heartless bastiges they are, I can come up with three California violations that cover bad behavior by lane splitting bikes.  Speed unsafe for conditions, unsafe lane change (no such thing as always staying in one lane when you are splitting) and changing lanes without signaling.  Add them all together, mix in a bad attitude by the rider, throw in a touch of F you too buddy from the cop and you might even turn it into a reckless driving arrest (not a ticket, a genuine go to jail arrest).

As for where and when I split lanes.
    Freeways w/regular lanes w/ heavy traffic below 15-20mph, split on!
    Freeways w/carpool lanes separated from the regular lanes, just slightly slower than the motor cop in front of me (50, 60,70?)
    City streets I'll filter (learned that term from Brit bike mags) up to the limit line at every light. Won't split moving traffic. Easier to wait for the light and slide up easy at the light.

Offline B6mick

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Lane Splitting 101
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2006, 07:59:37 AM »
Youre 100% right banditoverde.
And I think you would find most cops here feel, and think the same as you.
The problem here is we have some idiot, with a beef against motorcyclists, or just a plain attitude problem., heading up a inquiry of how and what to do, to make motorcycling and the road transport system  safer. Yet this person still will not read or listen to studies presented to them to the contrary. And worse still we have a government that still may implement these law changes.

Yes it pisses me off, that this sort of crap can even get past the office door, of this moron. But to be made public and to even be put before a government to be considered is beyond my comprehension.
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Offline Snubnose

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Lane Splitting 101
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2007, 10:12:31 PM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
Having said that they will book you at the drop of a hat for lanesharing, if there was any real cops out there to do so. But having just said that,

Having said what I just said, I'll just have to say that I'll say this...ummmm... "what was I saying?" :beers:
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Lane Splitting 101
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2007, 02:20:14 AM »
I no longer live in California but when I did I had to commute 110 miles a day, 100 of which was freeway. I had no choice but to cut traffic which was then and still is legal today. When I took the motorcycle safety course which was mandatory in the military, it just happened to be CHP sponsored course on base. Anyway the law in 1983 was you could split traffic provided the speed of the cars were 5 MPH or less and the motorcycle did not exceed 15 MPH cutting that traffic. Now none of this was enforced then or now in CA and although I was and still am a conservative lane splitter, I do mimic young sport riders cutting through traffic and dodging lanes at speeds of 20 to 30 MPH. Since I live on the Arizona border side of California I still frequent California to visit relatives and now that I am older wait in traffic for a convoy of motorcycles in the fast split lane and jump in at the end. If reasonably conservative I will keep up with them and am safer bringing up the rear as drivers hearing the repeated trumpet threats of the roaring engines are intimidated and part a larger opening. The hardest part is splitting a long overpass lane lined with diesel trucks on either side like walls and the truck tires jostling too and fro.