Wow talk about a response!
I guess I should go into my garage and try to find my stock pipe to replace the yoshi TRS race can, just to be responsible now!
But my loud pipe did help me out one time.
I am coming around a corner on a very narrow 2 lane road in the Kootenay's (in British Columbia, Canada) and I see this rather large bear right in the middle of the road, who is licking up some squirrel kill. By the time I get stopped, I am about oh, 100 feet away from this bear. He looks at me and stands up on his hind legs. Now I am thinking what do I do, if he runs at me, I am in trouble because there is no way I can turn around. Well I run the Bandit up to about 5 grand, and that bear ran off like you would not believe.
See, I think loud pipes can save lives!
But really, I think there is a possibility that the world hates America because it invented the Harley-Davidson & straight pipes. The result has sent terror & aggrivation to households all over the world late at night.