Author Topic: More Bikes less NASCAR on Speed?  (Read 5452 times)

Offline Red01

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Re: track
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2006, 08:31:17 PM »
Quote from: "tacoman"
Right now the Sonics basketball team are threatening to leave if we don't cough up a quarter billion (yes, billion) to redo their arena.  Personally, I'd take Nascar over basketball.

AGAIN? Didn't they just overhaul the Collesium into the Key Arena a few years ago on the taxpayers dime?

I say screw any and every sport that needs taxpayer support. If the sport is profitable, then the owners can build their own damn stadium, field, course, track, etc. And then they're free to charge whatever they want to rent out their space for other activities when they aren't using it.
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Offline jwalters

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Re: track
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2006, 09:14:39 PM »
Here is a CRAZY idea, reduce the salaries of every player in the NBA by 2% for additional funding...  I know it would never fly, but hell, I'd be up for a 75% cut.  That way it would cut UNIQUE Whip's business enough to stop airing that damn show.  

"Look, we made a speaker box, and bolted on some new wheels, that don't help performance....COOL!"  And talk about being a dick to his employees,  I've watched it enough to wonder why Reme doesn't jack him in the face and leave.  That fat f*#k can't even bend over to put on a wheel, yet bitches at everyone else. :wtf:

Quote from: "Red01"
Quote from: "tacoman"
Right now the Sonics basketball team are threatening to leave if we don't cough up a quarter billion (yes, billion) to redo their arena.  Personally, I'd take Nascar over basketball.

AGAIN? Didn't they just overhaul the Collesium into the Key Arena a few years ago on the taxpayers dime?

I say screw any and every sport that needs taxpayer support. If the sport is profitable, then the owners can build their own damn stadium, field, course, track, etc. And then they're free to charge whatever they want to rent out their space for other activities when they aren't using it.
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Nesba #013

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2006, 02:32:11 PM »
What bugs me, apart from overpaid athletes, is the way the owner Howard Schulz is going about this.  To get any type of taxpayer dollars its got to go thru the legislature.  The current session is half over and he brings it up now.  What does he have to offer for a team?  Losing record, on their 2nd coach of the season, an NBA high 55% vacancy on luxury boxes and low ticket sales.  Also, everyone has Seahawks on the brain and aren't thinking of basketball.  Again, I'm not much of a basketball fan so I say go ahead and go!

Offline Red01

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More Bikes less NASCAR on Speed?
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2006, 09:22:20 PM »
I'd say go ahead and go to any team that says, "Buy us a new place or we're leaving!" - Even if they're champs.
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Offline Red01

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More Bikes less NASCAR on Speed?
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2006, 02:37:19 AM »
Back on the subject of NASCAR...

What does Pink Floyd have in common with Dale Earnhardt?

Their last big hit was The Wall.
2001 GSF1200S
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