ANytime you change IP's on a domain name, the change has to replicate across all the DNS severs on the internet... In laymens terms. It's like a corporation changing some procedure from the home office level... The new procedure has to then be communicated to all branch offices and so on.... SO, even though the home office is doing it the new way, and some of the branch offices are doing the new way; we still have branch offices doing the old way. And if the old way is not acceptable anymore, then the barnch offices doing the old way are SOL until they get and implement the new procedure...
DNS changes work in the same manner on the internet. If you can't see it, your DNS server that your ISP is using hasn't received or implemented the new info... The difference here is that, servers don't rebel and stall like human offices do, once they get the info. it will be implemented at the next oppurtunity..
That's bout the easiest way I can splain it in non-technical terms...
Your ISP DNS hasn't got the change yet.... Just give it some time, it will... I've seen it take as long as 5 days before... Or as little as less than a minute depending on your DNS zone.