Living in Canada, and thinking of the upcoming ugly white and cold season ahead, I was thinking about motorcycle storage.
At the moment, unless you have a garage or a house with a shed and live in apartment type housing, youre basically screwed.
In this scenario, one has to solicit the services of storage facilities, and pay between $50 CDn to $200 CDn per month depending on how many bikes and the size of these bikes.
Today, I had a Brainstorm, (or brainfart) and thought, hmm ok, how bout putting up a shed in my stall?.. management probably would never go for that, too many restriction of the lease. THEN I thought to myself, WILL two bandits (a 600 and a 1200) fit inside a cargo van? if so, I can pick one of those up in running condition, for about $500 CDN, put it in my "VEHICLE PARKING STALL" and lock up both bikes for the winter?.
What does anyone think? will they fit?