Paul: Great writeup and pics, although I'm wondering about the lack of description of the GREAT riding on the BC3A from Creston alongside the lake up to the Kootenay Bay ferry. That is my second all-time favourite riding road....unless you were caught up in a bunch of cages, which CAN happen on there.
Too bad you turned south at Balfour after you got off the ferry. BC31 that goes north from Balfour to Kaslo is fantastic for the first half or so.....and then you get a "decompression" stretch for the last part on into Kaslo. Then out of Kaslo is the fabulous BC31A with new pavement in the middle third just this year, fairly new pavement on the west third and old pavement badly needing replacement on the east third....but still a fantastic ride overall.
This road was voted Canada's best riding road by a poll in some bike mag this past year....and it certainly deserves the title, IMO.
I will definitely be on all of those roads again next year. See you at the Toad Rock motorcycle campground on BC31!!!
.....if you escape from Frogland, that is!!!
Hey, I just there some kind of weird synergy or something happening here ???