Author Topic: My sunday ride out  (Read 2950 times)

Offline mattt

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My sunday ride out
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:04:52 PM »
Hey, just thought i'd tell my funny story (nearly deadly) that happend yesterday. Me and my mate went for a ride out and stopped off at this bike shop near us to have a browse. After leaving the shop we were joined by a gsxr 600 and an R6, my mate being my mate decided to give it some down the dual carriageways and so did this R6 he was basicaly up his arse. Me and the gsxr just cruised behind, as i came towards the end of the carriageway round a righthand bend i see my mate understeering riding up a kerb (70mph he said) and riding across a deep grass verge backend all over the place, barely holding on, back down onto the roundabout and up another kerb between 2 signs on the roundabout and came to a halt in the middle of the roundabout. To mine and his total amazement he had just took some of the paint off his belly pan and that was it he put his thumb up and we carried on, while i rode behind laughing my ass off for the next half an hour. - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Offline curiousmike

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 07:15:46 PM »
I had a pretty good ride on Saturday; hadn't been out riding for awhile, and went up my local route with my riding bud.

Essentially, Hwy 130 from San Jose to the interior valley... goes over Mt. Hamilton and into a sinuous valley out to a very flat valley.

The roads are usually bumpy, very tight, and uninhabited by cars and cops.

Here's an overview from google earth of a portion of hamilton leading up to top (almost shows you an overview of the very next photo; the white dots on the far right of the photo are the observatories.)

Here is a view looking down from the top of Mt. Hamilton; you get an idea of how twisty the road is...

The main observatory/telescope:


Offline Dundee

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 02:00:58 AM »

Wow, nice road. You guys have some beautiful quality tarmac up there.
(Off topic, is that the updated google earth?)[/quote]
2001 GSF1200S

Offline curiousmike

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 01:12:21 PM »
Yes, that's from the updated Google Earth -- the 3D view is pretty awesome.

Offline mattt

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 03:06:02 PM »
cool, those pics look awsome, id love to ride in a different country just to see unusual scenery like that. The thing is your screwed if you come off, no one will be there to help lol. But its probably worse for me not being able to go anywhere without a car in front or a car behind, its frustrating at times. - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Offline curiousmike

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2006, 03:16:45 PM »

Mines Road / Mt. Hamilton ( my normal route ) is incredibly desolate, considering you're 50 mi away from the millions of peeps in San Jose / East Bay.

The road is gnarly, bumpy, gravely, tight... really more of a super-motard road or small bike road.

But I don't care, I love throwing the bandit around, hitting dips mid-corner and having the pegs go scrape.

I almost always ride with another biker --- mostly because I enjoy the company, but also "just in case."  And back there, if you get hurt bad enough, it almost always means a helicopter ride out because it'd just take so damned long for a car to get to you.

I'd like to ride in another country ( Swiss Alps !); my biggest fear riding in another country is not understanding a particular rule of the road ( or being confused by a sign ).  Or doing a wheely in England and getting thrown in the slammer with a bunch of drunk football fans... :)

Offline curiousmike

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2006, 03:28:09 PM »
a more "3d" version of the route

Offline mattt

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My sunday ride out
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 12:52:56 PM »
Yeh i think id have gone for a super moto lol. I really want one but there not practical enough for me to ride (I have to ride long distance), i mostly ride by myself but i like riding with my other biker mates although it can be a bit dodgy at times, hence my sunday story lol. Lol as for being locked up with football fans, no you will be locked up with me since I was arrested today haha (not proud of it).

Quote from: curiousmike

Mines Road / Mt. Hamilton ( my normal route ) is incredibly desolate, considering you're 50 mi away from the millions of peeps in San Jose / East Bay.

The road is gnarly, bumpy, gravely, tight... really more of a super-motard road or small bike road.

But I don't care, I love throwing the bandit around, hitting dips mid-corner and having the pegs go scrape.

I almost always ride with another biker --- mostly because I enjoy the company, but also "just in case."  And back there, if you get hurt bad enough, it almost always means a helicopter ride out because it'd just take so damned long for a car to get to you.

I'd like to ride in another country ( Swiss Alps !); my biggest fear riding in another country is not understanding a particular rule of the road ( or being confused by a sign ).  Or doing a wheely in England and getting thrown in the slammer with a bunch of drunk football fans... :) - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.