Author Topic: Playing possum  (Read 2922 times)

Offline Cargo7

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Playing possum
« on: October 15, 2005, 03:12:44 AM »
A friend of mine hit a possum at about 80kph and blew out both fork seals (Honda CB750). Minus one critter but no other damage. I wouldn't have thought that would happen.

Anyone have any experiences with errant animals on a B12?

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Offline billster

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Playing possum
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2005, 04:12:41 AM »
Not yet, but have dodged quite a few HUGE 'coons on the way to work in the dark at 5a.m. lately.  Watch for the eyes in the headlight!  I mean these are freakin' HUGE!

Back 'in the day' was on a poker run in Pa. and a deer ran out in front of the two-up 'Glide in front of me.....took 'em both off the bike toot sweet  :shock:   Rider died and passenger in critical.  Oy oy oy.  Deer got up and ran into the woods.
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Offline mike

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Playing possum
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2005, 06:14:05 AM »
Kinda boring-a Seagull or some sort of bird.  He went by kinda quick... I was to the left rear of an 18 wheeler on the freeway passing, the dang bird must have flown over the truck and got sucked into the truck's down draft...  All I saw was a blur coming at me and a whap! on my helmet,  No big deal, unless I would have had one hand on the bars-which was not happening anyway passing a 18 wheeler.

Somebody here got hit by a Turkey Vulture, that's one bird I wouldn't wanna meet !  I think it was TxRdr (Jay)...

Offline billybandit

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Playing possum
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2005, 06:23:12 AM »
Well, its not a B12, but in February I ran over a FULL SIZE badger on my Bandit 250.
I was travelling home from my at-the-time girlfriend's house at 3am, doing 50mph. Saw a badger come out the side of the road and I thought I wouldn't hit it. It started galloping out in the clumsy way that badgers do, rather than jam the brakes I shouted "F**king badger!" and sure enough hit it. Went right under my back wheel, I managed to stay on the bike. think the badger had seen better days. Only damage - bent rear brake pedal. And one battered badger.

Then about 2 months ago I was following a mate on a VFR400. We were going about 90-95mph when a pidgeon flew right out and bashed me on the knee. It hurt quite a bit, so you can imagine the pidgeon probably didn't enjoy it.

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Offline PaulVS

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Playing possum
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 09:37:13 AM »
I came home for lunch one day last year and decided to take the bike back to work.  

On the way... a Giant Blue Heron started flying across the road right-to-left in front of me.  I didn't think I would hit it... but they are such slow flying birds... it smacked into my windshield, left mirror, and then bounced off the top left of my helmet.  I was probably doing about 45-50 mph.

It freaked me out watching this huge blue bird get bigger... and bigger... and bigger...  :shock:

I was able to keep going.  Looked in the rear-view mirror and saw the bird doing a death-flap on the road behind me.  Stopped at the next light and was surprised to find there wasn't even a scratch on the bike.

Offline Kamzilla

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Playing possum
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2005, 12:27:20 PM »
It wasn't on a B12, but I ran one of those HUGE raccoons that Billster mentioned over.  I was riding the backroads of the Poconos, with my lady on the back.  It was an easy ride, so she was star gazing, enjoying the mid-summer weather.  All of a sudden, I see the little bugger on the side of the road.  I got on the brakes, but couldn't really swerve because the lady would have been thrown off.  SO the little guy starts running for the road...  We make eye contact, he aims for my front wheel, and goes under.  

The worst thing was that is that as we passed over him, I could hear every single bone cracking, in slo-mo.
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Offline txbanditrydr

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Playing possum
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2005, 11:10:22 AM »
Quote from: "mike"

Somebody here got hit by a Turkey Vulture, that's one bird I wouldn't wanna meet !  I think it was TxRdr (Jay)...

That would be me.....  wasn't on the bike thankfully cuz it cost me a replacement headlight and grill work on "Ol' Blue".  Those are some dense birds.    :annoy:
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