what are the police like in america with regards to riding like a twat:grin:
TWAT, as I recall, was a widely used "BRITISH" term, I for one commonly
used several times a day durinig my first 11 years of life in the U.K. Only when I came to Canada, I found it hardly ever used. Again, it was used amongst those other famous Brit terms like, TWIT!, BOLLOCKS!, PILLUK!, WANKER!, SOD!, ROTTER!, ARSE! and GIT!
twat [ twot ] (plural twats)
noun Definition:
1. a highly offensive term for a woman's vagina or genital area ( taboo )
2. U.K. a highly offensive term for somebody regarded as unintelligent, worthless, or detestable ( taboo insult )
Mid-17th century. Origin ?
Of course I also heard "TWAT" was what you call a "Pregnant Fish" back in the day!
A poem printed around 1660 by the scurrilous poet "Anon" :
They talked of his having a Cardinal's Hat,
They'd send him as soon an Old Nun's Twat. and on that note: Just exactly when did we move off topic?