Author Topic: police  (Read 9658 times)

Offline 10Zero

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« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2006, 07:35:07 PM »
Twat, neat word!
I'm also a po-po, and I can say I also occaisionally drive with a certain amount of twatiness, usually WAY out of town, with NO other traffic around.  If I catch someone else doing so, i am usually pretty lenient.  However, if someone decides to do the twat thing on busy roads w/ traffic everyhwere, and i get 'em, they usually aren't happy.  As a CO state Trooper, I see way too many bad crashes involoving motorcycles and heavy traffic.
"Drive Fast, Take Risks"

Offline curiousmike

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« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2006, 08:12:14 PM »
You guys are using unrealistic examples... "way out in the boonies."

There's nothing like riding a big fat wheely past a school bus full of kids.

Of course, when you get caught, you will get a misdemeanor (exhibition of speed) and booked.  

The po' ain't givin' me no love no mo'.

Offline solman

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« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2006, 10:30:48 AM »
There are plenty of back roads in Texas and Oklahoma to play with nobody around.  I've never had any issues, then again, don't usually see them out in the country.  In Arizona, they like to chase bikes and are generally hard on bikers.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline silvershadow

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Ride around
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2006, 12:25:45 PM »
Well I was out a few days back taking my kids for a ride around the block and got pulled over.  I did not end up with a ticket form the police but, was told I cannot take my kid for a ride and needed to walk him home.  This is stupid.  I was in my subdivision off of any main roads and letting my kid enjoy something I love and got busted. God Bless the USA.  After getting home I looked up the Law and I was missing DOT helmet for my kid.   I had him put on his bike helmet for the ride around the subdivision.  My fault.  Please we were just tooling around the block.  Can’t the police find better things to do?
2003 Bandit1200S, Hole Shot can, Jet kit, Timing advancer, Braided lines.

Offline Daytona

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Re: Ride around
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2006, 12:34:33 PM »
="silvershadow"]Well I was out a few days back taking my kids for a ride around the block and got pulled over.  I did not end up with a ticket form the police but, was told I cannot take my kid for a ride and needed to walk him home.  This is stupid.  I was in my subdivision off of any main roads and letting my kid enjoy something I love and got busted. God Bless the USA.  After getting home I looked up the Law and I was missing DOT helmet for my kid.   I had him put on his bike helmet for the ride around the subdivision.  My fault.  Please we were just tooling around the block.  Can’t the police find better things to do?
Kids don't know what's good 4 em! so the law makes you do it! In FL all riders in back must have the skid lid if worn at all!  

Offline amboman

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« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2006, 08:05:42 AM »
Here in NZ we have an open road limit of 100km which is about 60mph.  Basically if you are doing 5 km over the limit you get a ticket for $100.00.  For every 10km over the limit above that you get fined another $100.00 up to 140 km then it is instant loss of license for 6 month and often a court appearence with associated fines and somtimes confiscation of the motorcycle.

Our traffic police have absolutely no sense of humor and pull bikes over routinely for no reason other than to check registration etc.

I was passed by a speeding car on the open road a while ago and guess who got pulled over.  It took some convincing the traffic oficer that it was actually the car the was law breaking and not me.  Put a real damper on the trip.

The government says that it is not about revenue gathering.  However in my role as a paramedic I know a number of police officers and they say otherwise but that is another story.

Moral of the story is ride wise.
Taken over by the dark side. Now riding a CB 1300 but visit my old bandit regular.

Offline Red01

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« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2006, 09:44:02 AM »
"amboman" said:
The government says that it is not about revenue gathering.  However in my role as a paramedic I know a number of police officers and they say otherwise but that is another story.

Here in the US, the various law enforcement agencies are accused of having quotas, to which these agencies vehemently deny. If this is true, why is income from traffic citations included in government budget plans? Talking to LEOs I know, they tell me there is no specific quota number, but they can get in trouble if their superiors feel they aren't writing enough tickets. This may not fit the legal definition of a quota, but it sure implies there's an unwritten one.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline wrathchild

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« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2006, 10:13:00 AM »
Up here in my neck of the woods, cops are usually generous with you if you don't make them chase you. If you pull over immediately, I have seen some officers let people off with a warning and a "thank you for not making me have to chase you" type of thing. Of course, it always depends on what it was you were doing. If its a little excess speeding on the open road, it can pass, but if you are being wreckless in traffic, they're gonna nail you.

Offline Landry

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« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2006, 10:14:19 AM »
"Ride like a twat?"  :grin:

Not sure what a "twat" is in the other parts of the country, but in the south it's . . . it's uh, part of a girl's . . . you see ladies have . . . well . . . I like twat, myself!  :grin:
Ever noticed that they don't make helmets out of bone? There's a reason.

Offline Rocketjock

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« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2006, 11:25:30 AM »
Ya, let's switch the terminology. Twat is, after all, a beautiful thing to all us heterosexual types. Now, a short distance from said twat we have asshole. Usually a dirty, dark place. I think anybody who wheelies past a schoolbus has definately gotta be an asshole, a fool and definately not someone who thinks a lot.
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Offline EODSarge

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« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2006, 11:54:45 AM »
Twat is, after all, a beautiful thing to all us heterosexual types. Now, a short distance from said twat we have asshole. Usually a dirty, dark place.

Oh, surely we can find a... middle ground, here. 'Taint likely we'll please everyone.  :lol:
Lick it, stick it, and blow it in place!
'03 B12S, unmodded

Offline Landry

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« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2006, 12:16:15 PM »
Twat are you guys talking about?  I cun't understand a word you're saying.  

Johhny Knoxville on SNL's HillBilly Er: "I need to see a doctor immediately."
Receptionist: "What seems to be the problem?"
JK: " I accidentally nailed a 2X4 to my ABC."
Recep: "ABC?"
JK: "Yeah, you know . . . my ass-ball connection?"
Recep: "Room 2C"  :shock:
Ever noticed that they don't make helmets out of bone? There's a reason.

Offline TK421

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« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2006, 01:01:30 AM »
"Red01" said:
"amboman" said:
The government says that it is not about revenue gathering.  However in my role as a paramedic I know a number of police officers and they say otherwise but that is another story.

Here in the US, the various law enforcement agencies are accused of having quotas, to which these agencies vehemently deny. If this is true, why is income from traffic citations included in government budget plans? Talking to LEOs I know, they tell me there is no specific quota number, but they can get in trouble if their superiors feel they aren't writing enough tickets. This may not fit the legal definition of a quota, but it sure implies there's an unwritten one.

I've worked for two different agencies in my 8 year police career, and known cops from a dozen more.  None of them have quotas.  I have never heard of anyone at any level of the department talking about traffic enforcement in terms of generating revenue.  Sure, if you're a patrol officer and you don't write any tickets, you can get in trouble.  But that's because you're probably not doing your job, part of which is enforcing traffic laws.  Trust me, if I went a whole shift without writing a ticket I would have to be actively ignoring the dangerous driving I see all night.  I personally tend to only write tickets for dangerous stuff like running red lights and unsafe lane changes (i.e. stuff that gets motorcyclists killed!) or criminal stuff (DUI's, suspended DL.)

It's also worth remembering that in a lot of cases, the government employing the guy writing you may not get a dime from the traffic fine, especially if he's a city or county cop.  Everywhere is different, but in some places only the state benefits, in some the state and the county, in others all three.

Bottom line... if you don't want a ticket, don't ride/ drive like a twat.

2002 GSF1200S

Offline Bazza

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« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2006, 05:35:58 AM »
Just remember these officers are hired by you and other taxpayers to protect "twat" riders from injuring/killing others and yourself.

You want to play, then don't complain when you have to pay.

Or, you could run for political office and get laws changed.

Offline Snubnose

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Re: police
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2006, 04:44:04 PM »
what are the police like in america with regards to riding like a twat:grin:

TWAT, as I recall, was a widely used "BRITISH" term, I for one commonly
used several times a day durinig my first 11 years of life in the U.K. Only when I came to Canada, I found it hardly ever used. Again, it was used amongst those other famous Brit terms like, TWIT!, BOLLOCKS!, PILLUK!, WANKER!, SOD!, ROTTER!, ARSE! and GIT!

twat [ twot ] (plural twats)
1. a highly offensive term for a woman's vagina or genital area ( taboo )
2. U.K. a highly offensive term for somebody regarded as unintelligent, worthless, or detestable ( taboo insult )
Mid-17th century. Origin ?

Of course I also heard "TWAT" was what you call a "Pregnant Fish" back in the day!

A poem printed around 1660 by the scurrilous poet "Anon" :
They talked of his having a Cardinal's Hat,
They'd send him as soon an Old Nun's Twat.

and on that note: Just exactly when did we move off topic? :stickpoke:
SNUBNOSE, Alberta, Canada
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