PaulVS: On first reading your post, I immediately dropped everything - you should have heard that baby cry! Man! Wouldn't shut up for two hours!
Anyway, then I start to ruminate - hmmmm....these fellows have been MEAN to me and now (touch of ironic cymbals here) they NEED something from me......(maniacal laughter here)hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah....but then my wife slapped me and I snapped out of it....then I thought...what if there is a union covering the measuring of said stalk - maybe CUSE; the Canadian Union of Stalkmeasuring i infringing on this union's manpower? I am, in fact and unknowingly, becoming a scab?? Is this a setup by my esteemed American Colleagues at Bandit BBS??
But then my wife slapped me again and I went to look for a tape measure...we have four of them and we keep them all in the bedroom but that's another story....
Then I had to find the bike...I have had several glasses of red wine since I got home so this job is actually not as easy as it would appear.
After much searching, (and banging into doorways) I was able to locate said Bandit and then, again after much searching....I was able to locate said stalks and found them to be exactly 6 inches long....I double-checked this measurement against one of my body parts and found it did come to exactly six inches. (ahem)
Not sure if my stalk compares favourably with your G2 stalk. If mine is longer, please don't lie and pretend it's not. If mine is shorter, please DO lie and tell me it's not.
Thank you.
I am, as ever, here at your disposal.