Author Topic: Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI  (Read 4682 times)

Offline PeteSC

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« on: August 24, 2005, 02:35:08 AM »
Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist


By Rachael Ruiz

(Update, Barry County, August 22, 2005, 6:57 p.m.) A bizarre accident has left a Barry County woman in critical condition.

Michigan State Police say she ran into the street with a pitchfork to confront a group of motorcycle drivers and was struck by one of the bikes.

It happened Sunday night, outside of 43-year-old Corlissa Larsen's home on Gun Lake Road, near Glass Creek Drive in Hastings.

Ben Larsen says his wife caught the bike full force, and she landed about 30 feet away. He says he ran over to help her, but the mother of his seven children wasn't moving. He says the couple's six-year-old daughter witnessed the entire scene.

Trooper Brian Roderick says it appears Larsen is to blame for running out into the road. He also says she could face charges of felonious assault because she had a pitchfork in her hand.

But there are conflicting reports on whether she actually swung at one of the bikers before 24-year-old Trammell Toombs of Muskegon Heights hit her.

"They say she was swinging at them, but she dropped it at the edge of the road," says Ben Larsen.

But police tell a different story.

"The ultimate cause of the accident is the lady stepping into the road with the pitchfork in hand," says Trooper Roderick.

Ben Larsen says it all happened so fast. He says they were angry about all the cars and bikes speeding on Gun Lake Road in front of their house. So they ran to the street to yell at the drivers. Though police say it doesn't appear the bikers were actually speeding.

"They just go through here so fast," says Larsen.

The biker who hit Corlissa Larsen is suffering from internal injuries, but is expected to be okay.
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Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 02:42:44 AM »
Witnesses: Woman threatened bikers with pitchfork
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
By Ken Kolker
The Grand Rapids Press
HASTINGS -- Corlissa Larsen is a mother of seven who prefers the quiet countryside, but not enough to arm herself with a pitchfork and threaten motorcyclists who roar past her home, her husband said.

Witnesses say differently, according to state police, who allege the 43-year-old stay-at-home mom drew back the pitchfork to swing at a passing motorcycle Sunday before she was struck and critically injured by a bike.

The collision happened just before 6 p.m. in front of her rural home at 5401 Gun Lake Road as her husband and 6-year-old daughter, Liberty, watched.

"She's usually pretty peace-able," said her husband, Ben, who works at a dairy farm. "She's not the type to use a weapon, unless she absolutely had to, but only if a guy was coming at her. I don't think she took the pitchfork to attack them. It was to get their attention."

Ben Larsen said he and his wife have complained repeatedly to police about motorcycles that race down their rural road.

"We already talked to the cops about it," he said. "They said we can yell at them, wave, but we can't take a weapon down there, like we're going to attack them."

He said his son ran out to the road last year with a large stick to get the attention of bikers, but he never swung it.

Larsen said he and his wife were working in the yard Sunday when about a half-dozen cycles zipped past at speeds he estimated at 90 mph. He fears a collision whenever he pulls out of his driveway in the family's full-size van, he said.

"They were going so fast I couldn't even see them," he said. "They were just a blur."

Corlissa Larsen rushed to the road with the pitchfork when she heard a second group approaching, he said. "I've had enough of it. She had enough of it. She went out there."

State police said they have no evidence the second group was speeding.

Troopers said she ran into the middle of the road and drew back the pitchfork as if preparing to swing it. Police said they have received conflicting reports about whether she took a swing. The first bike drove past, but the second biker on a 1998 Kawasaki Ninja could not avoid her, troopers said.

Larsen said he believes his wife dropped the pitchfork at the edge of the road before she was hit. He said she didn't have time to react to the bike. "When she turned around, she was straddling the front tire," he said. "She turned and looked right at him."

She was struck by the bike, then by the driver, Trammell Toombs, 24, of Muskegon Heights. His helmet struck Corlissa Larsen on the head.

Larsen suffered head injuries, including swelling of the brain, and a broken eye socket, as well as a broken left arm and leg injuries, her husband said. She was in critical condition while the biker was in fair condition, both at Spectrum Health Butterworth Campus in Grand Rapids.

Larsen said he and his wife hope to move from the area. "She's basically a farm girl who would rather be out in the middle of nowhere, away from everybody," he said. "Our dream it to move to Kentucky."

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Offline Landry

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 09:22:20 AM »
Haven't they ever heard of sand . . . or oil . . . or BB guns????

Sheesh.  C'mon people . . . let's get those thinking caps on!!
Ever noticed that they don't make helmets out of bone? There's a reason.

Offline billybandit

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2005, 09:37:07 AM »
I'm glad the police are on the biker's side. If the same thing would have happened in the UK, the bikers would definitely be in the wrong and liable for sueing, prosecution, ban from driving etc.

Stupid woman!

Offline Maniac

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 09:49:29 AM »
Probally the only reason the police are on the biker's side is because the woman ran out into the road brandishing a pitchfork. It'd be pretty hard to say it was the biker's fault for coming around the corner and running the crazy woman with the deadly weapon, who was standing in the middle of the road, over.

I'm sorry she got hurt, but really, what was she thinking? You can't tell me she wasn't going to swing at the bikers, even if it was 'just to scare them'. Thats dangerous, she could have caused an accident or even worse, actually -hit- someone. Can you imagine what a pitchfork at 40mph or higher would do to a person? It can't think it'd be pretty.

Frankly I hope the biker presses charges.

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Offline PeteSC

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 11:28:46 AM »
To me, it sounds like the police had previously warned them about taking 'weapons' out onto the road.....and it's kind of suspicious about the way the husband says she 'left the pitchfork at the edge of the road', or something.

  Yeah, I don't want to see the lady or rider get hurt, either.

   I can totally understand the frustration if a majority of bikes are zipping through there at obscene speeds.

  The small apartment complex I live is is next to a shopping center, although it's not really visible.  (the complex) You don't really know it's there, unless you look for it.  One of the strange features or the place is.....there's an access road to the back of the shopping center, at one end of the apartment complex.
  Enough people realize it's a shortcut, that they zip through here pretty fast, even though there's a couple of speed bumps.  I haven't seen a wreck yet, but have given my share of dirty looks to drivers going stupidly fast through a narrow, residential area.

  It will be interesting to see what sort of lawsuits come out of this... :duh:
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Offline Desolation Angel

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2005, 12:07:27 PM »
Forgive me, flame me, but her and her husband sound kind of low class.  I mean, going out in street and yelling stuff at people?  Geez.  Call PD.  Don't get in the middle of anything and certainly don't threaten someone.  I bet alcohol was involved, or maybe she was just "mental".

Hope they're both getting better, though.

There are many places where I don't like what I hear or see, but I never thought to do a hick impression and try to start something. :roll:

Offline PeteSC

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2005, 12:16:58 PM »
but her and her husband sound kind of low class

C'mon now, doesn't every suburban housewife own a pitchfork?

  I bet Martha Stewart has one.... :monkeymoon:

 I think the truth of the story will come out when they dig up her yard, and find the bones of missing bikers............

"Hey hon, the freezer's getting a little empty.  I think it's about time you go out front and spear one of them 'crotch rocket' riders, again.  Try for a skinny one.  That last one was kind of greasy.   Doc says I gots to watch my cholesterol...." :shock:
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline Desolation Angel

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Pitchfork-wielding woman struck by motorcyclist/MI
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2005, 12:28:49 PM »
Quote from: "PeteSC"
but her and her husband sound kind of low class

C'mon now, doesn't every suburban housewife own a pitchfork?

  I bet Martha Stewart has one.... :monkeymoon:

 I think the truth of the story will come out when they dig up her yard, and find the bones of missing bikers............

"Hey hon, the freezer's getting a little empty.  I think it's about time you go out front and spear one of them 'crotch rocket' riders, again.  Try for a skinny one.  That last one was kind of greasy.   Doc says I gots to watch my cholesterol...." :shock:

Gives a whole new meaning to droppin' a HOG on the spit, eh? :stickpoke: