The main reason I posted the OR link was because usually in order to be able to be charged with something, there has to be a law on the books. Therefore, by assumption, I figured that there must be some law in OR that says yellow lights can be run, and we frown on it.
As I understand the "yellow light running", back in the day, when we had cops doing the jobs that cameras do today, (boy, does that seem bitter?) the cop would use their discretion. In my particular situation, the cop more than likely would have let me off, because he would (hopefully) have seen the whole situation. However, now, with the cameras, it's black and white, so to speak, and therefore harder to refute the charge, especially when there's no evidence on your behalf, because you got the ticket 2 weeks later, and couldn't necessarily remember even doing what they showed you you did.
Unfortunately, that "Black and white" image of you running the red is one of the things that is very hard to overcome when facing a judge.