Hey Folks,
I think the Bandit 12 is the best bike for the riding I want to do, but I desperately need help tweaking one for my height (6'8").
I've sat on one for a while and I felt cramped in the knees and I know that after a few hours that would turn into one sharp pain. I just need a few inches of space between the seat and the pegs.
I hope this is a simple tweak, I would appreciate any advice people can give like products, stores, or people in the know. Can I lower the pegs? Are there any aftermarket seats that can be raised? Anything else?
I've been riding a few years so I'm still a newbie in most terms, so I don't know all of the factors to take into account when changing the geometry of the bike.
A larger question would be, what references do people use when determining the fit of a motorcycle? I'm used to road bicycling where the fit of your bicycle is incredibly important. I just don't see too much of that in motorcycling, especially when I talk to dealers.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.