Thanks for the suggestions
I looked over the different types of mounts and I have one of the ones listed.
What I did was cross brace the base plate with a piece of aluminum and it worked like a charm. The video was stable, even when crossing railway tracks, there was only a slight skip.
I will hit the hardware store tonight and see if I can't fashion a mark 2 version of the brace to get me going on the long roads. I think I might also pick up a 3 gig memory stick that should hold the same travel time as a High 8 tape and use less battery power.
Stay tuned pictures to come. Sunday promises to be nice.
Check to make sure that your device will take a 3Gig stick.
I was all prepared to buy a 4 gig SD card for my video setup until the place I bought it from said to check with the manufacturer to see what my unit could handle. Good thing I did as my unit , for some reason takes a 2 Gig only, max.
I bought the items below at which was cheaper than evil bay and stand behind their stuff. I'm not connected with these guys, just passing on some good info for anyone interested.
Transcend 2GB 150X Ultra t2gb150sd 2 37.00
High Speed Secure Digital
SD Card - Spring Sale
Subtotal 74.00
Shipping 4.95
Total 78.95
Good luck with the Cam, BANDIT #999