Author Topic: Video help  (Read 7769 times)

Offline 06 Greyhound

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« on: April 29, 2007, 11:09:00 PM »
I bought a camera mount and gave it a try today.
Everything worked alright, but the vibrations made the film too hard to watch.  
The mount I bought clamps to the handle bars and is solid mounted to two ball joints and clamped to the camera.

I'm open to suggestions. Although the film at the intersections was killer. The camera is a Sony 700s and uses both memory sticks and Tape. I recorded on tape today.   Sorry if this has aready to been covered else where.

Offline tannerismyhero

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« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 06:41:34 AM »
Not to sound like a smartass, but my suggestion would be to take the camera off. When you do something stupid and the police pull you over, that is called evidence.
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Offline 06 Greyhound

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« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 10:43:05 AM »
Quote from: "tannerismyhero"
Not to sound like a smartass, but my suggestion would be to take the camera off. When you do something stupid and the police pull you over, that is called evidence.

Not with the tape I shot yesterday - they would be motion sick long before they had proof of wrong doing.
Besides - we are always well within the law -or boring - as my son calls it.

Offline Vidrazor

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« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 11:29:42 AM »
What bike are you riding? B4? B6? B12? Have you tried different gears? See if you can find an RPM 'sweet spot"

Try other spots on the bars too.

Does the camera have an electronic or optical image stabilizer? This may sound counter-intuitive, but try shutting it off.

Offline 06 Greyhound

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« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 02:53:52 PM »
Quote from: "Vidrazor"
What bike are you riding? B4? B6? B12? Have you tried different gears? See if you can find an RPM 'sweet spot"

Try other spots on the bars too.

Does the camera have an electronic or optical image stabilizer? This may sound counter-intuitive, but try shutting it off.

I'm riding a B12 and the camera does have an image stabilizer.  I image was pretty good until I shifted out of 1st, after that it got worse depending on the road condition, which was not the best.  I did find the image settled down a bit a very high speed (not to contradict myself (see above))

I'm starting to think it was a good idea to buy the GPS mount option that I got with the mounting bracket.

Offline Mongo

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« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 04:28:21 PM »
Quote from: "06 Greyhound"
Quote from: "Vidrazor"
What bike are you riding? B4? B6? B12? Have you tried different gears? See if you can find an RPM 'sweet spot"

Try other spots on the bars too.

Does the camera have an electronic or optical image stabilizer? This may sound counter-intuitive, but try shutting it off.

I'm riding a B12 and the camera does have an image stabilizer.  I image was pretty good until I shifted out of 1st, after that it got worse depending on the road condition, which was not the best.  I did find the image settled down a bit a very high speed (not to contradict myself (see above))

I'm starting to think it was a good idea to buy the GPS mount option that I got with the mounting bracket.

If you check out they have some good pointers and they do tell you to turn off the optical stabilizer.

I tank mount my camera and I've never had any real issues but the tank is rubber mounted so it dampens some of the vibration. But I've hung a camera in reverse and it seemed to work also!

02 1200 Fighter
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Offline 06 Greyhound

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« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 11:33:09 PM »
I had a look at Mongo's camera mount and I think I am begining to see the problem.  My camera is much heavier than his.  I think it is too much of the mounting bracket.  

I'm going to try and bungi a support to see if that will reduce the vibrations.  If that helps, I'll make an extra bracket and cross brace the base.  I'm not really ready to buy another camera, so I will the options first.

Oh well, I really enjoy watching Mongo's video, and one of these days I will share some from here.

Offline Mongo

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Offline BANDIT#999

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« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2007, 12:16:04 AM »
Take a look at this site for ideas, some are big buck and others are just homegrown inspiration.
Hope it helps.
If tomorrow really is the first day of the rest of my life..........does that mean all the shit I do today don't count?

Offline 06 Greyhound

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« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2007, 10:44:24 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions
I looked over the different types of mounts and I have one of the ones listed.  
What I did was cross brace the base plate with a piece of aluminum and it worked like a charm.   The video was stable, even when crossing railway tracks, there was only a slight skip.  
I will hit the hardware store tonight and see if I can't fashion a mark 2 version of the brace to get me going on the long roads.   I think I might also pick up a 3 gig memory stick that should hold the same travel time as a High 8 tape and use less battery power.  
Stay tuned pictures to come.  Sunday promises to be nice.

Offline BANDIT#999

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« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2007, 07:26:33 PM »
Quote from: "06 Greyhound"
Thanks for the suggestions
I looked over the different types of mounts and I have one of the ones listed.  
What I did was cross brace the base plate with a piece of aluminum and it worked like a charm.   The video was stable, even when crossing railway tracks, there was only a slight skip.  
I will hit the hardware store tonight and see if I can't fashion a mark 2 version of the brace to get me going on the long roads.   I think I might also pick up a 3 gig memory stick that should hold the same travel time as a High 8 tape and use less battery power.  
Stay tuned pictures to come.  Sunday promises to be nice.

Check to make sure that your device will take a 3Gig stick.
I was all prepared to buy a 4 gig SD card for my video setup until the place I bought it from said to check with the manufacturer to see what my unit could handle. Good thing I did as my unit , for some reason takes a 2 Gig only, max.
I bought the items below at which was cheaper than evil bay and stand behind their stuff. I'm not connected with these guys, just passing on some good info for anyone interested.

Transcend 2GB 150X Ultra   t2gb150sd         2  37.00
High Speed Secure Digital
SD Card - Spring Sale
                                      Subtotal  74.00
                                      Shipping   4.95
                                         Total  78.95
Good luck with the Cam, BANDIT #999
If tomorrow really is the first day of the rest of my life..........does that mean all the shit I do today don't count?

Offline 06 Greyhound

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« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2007, 11:10:51 PM »
Quote from: "Bandit #999"
Check to make sure that your device will take a 3Gig stick.
I was all prepared to buy a 4 gig SD card for my video setup until the place I bought it from said to check with the manufacturer to see what my unit could handle. Good thing I did as my unit , for some reason takes a 2 Gig only, max.
I bought the items below at which was cheaper than evil bay and stand behind their stuff. I'm not connected with these guys, just passing on some good info for anyone interested.

Transcend 2GB 150X Ultra   t2gb150sd         2  37.00
High Speed Secure Digital
SD Card - Spring Sale
                                      Subtotal  74.00
                                      Shipping   4.95
                                         Total  78.95
Good luck with the Cam, BANDIT #999

Good point - I will take the model number and other stuff in with me tomorrow.  I really don't need to do another ride thinking that I'm making a video only to find that nothing but junk.

Offline BANDIT#999

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« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2007, 11:20:29 PM »
Hey hound, one other thing....make sure that you get the fastest speed you can. I also found after a bit of searching that some brands say they are high speed but are only 60X. That could lead to choppy playback, the ones I ended up with are 150X. I've not tried them yet as I am waiting on delivery, but hoping that with almost 3 times the recording transfer rate I'll end up with clear video recording.
Let us know how you make out.

If tomorrow really is the first day of the rest of my life..........does that mean all the shit I do today don't count?

Offline Mongo

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« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2007, 04:08:22 PM »
Looking forward to seeing some video Hound!
02 1200 Fighter
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Offline 06 Greyhound

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« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2007, 04:16:24 PM »
Quote from: "Mongo"
Looking forward to seeing some video Hound!

Problem solved - my Sony will not take video on the memory stick so I will stick with the High 8 tape, and I now have that working.  -- I'm ready to roll.  Wait a minute-- it's raining - does rain have really big white flakes in it?  It's been a while since we've seen rain.    

They don't mention the big white flakes on the forcast but Sunday still looks good.  I will try to find an interesting road. :motorsmile: