Damn....that guy is the Japanese Valentino Rossi, IMO.
Can you say kamikaze ??? His stones are WAYYYYYY bigger
than mine ever were....
I live in a province/state of NO lane splitting and a city of 1MM
so the traffic is just not that intense.....and have never had the opportunity to ride where it IS legal so have no opinion on that one way or another. After that vid, though, I can see the attraction and (in that type of daily traffic) the necessity for it.
Yeah, maybe he was going somewhat too fast in places but, dang, that boy can ride. His reactions and distance judgement
are things I'd like to have....but at my age that ain't going to happen.
Admire may be the wrong word.....rather, appreciate his skill for what it is. He's a talented lad, IMO.....although he MAY not live as long as he'd like to if he keeps up that kind of riding....
It's all fun until someone gets an eye poked out.....